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The restaurant is fancier than I expected but it will do. I sit in the booth nervously,  a bouquet of flowers planted on my lap. Derek warned me not to buy them, he said they may come off as overly romantic but I couldn't help myself. I think Cherry will adore all the different colours. There's people of all ages, the elderly, men and woman along with children. The food smells amazing and all you can hear is chatter over the faint music from the speakers.

When I spot her walking in I almost choke on my drink. Her floral dress sits just perfect against her figure and her hair looks fluffy in the light. I wave and it catches her attention as she walks over to join me at the table. "You look great Y/n" she greets and I compliment her straight back. "Not as amazing as you."

Cherry blushes slightly and I take my chance. "I bought you these," I say slowly, handing her the flowers. Her face reddens as she looks at them, her fingers brushing delicately over the petals. "These are beautiful" she whispers and her smile brightens the room. We order our food and drinks, I can't stop looking at her. "I'm really glad you joined me," I say.

"Thank you for inviting me, I don't hang out with people much here" she replies. I find myself acting flirtatious throughout dinner but I remember to tone it down as I wonder if she even notices. When the waiter eventually hands over the bill, I see her reaching for her purse when I grab her hand. "I've got this," I say firmly. "But-" she starts to protest but I won't take no as an answer.

She watches as I dip into my own purse and pay for everything. "You really didn't have to do that" she repeats but I just smile. "Cmon let's go for a walk" I help to wrap her in her jacket before we leave into the evening dusk. It's not too busy out, either people are coming home from work or are going for a stroll too. She knows the way better than I do as I follow.

"Name one thing you love about the city," she chats randomly. "The lights, there's something mesmerising about then. Maybe you too" I blurt out. She looks at me with a half-smile, she probably thinks I'm joking around. "I'm not that special" she doubts and I feel like facepalming. "Yes, you are" I insist. Cherry slips her arm through mine with a grateful look on her face. "You're too sweet Y/n" she giggles.

Walking down the street arm in arm, a few people stare. Are they judging? I wouldn't be surprised. It's not often that you come across females cosied up together, but we're just two friends for the most part. I'm about to conversate when a guy roughly our age approaches us. "Hey ladies" he winks but mostly his attention is on Cherry. Can you blame him?

"Hello...Can we help you?" She asks, pausing. The guy starts to shamelessly flirt with her, throwing compliments and sweet talk back and forth. I'm annoyed damn right, it makes me mad to think I can't stand up for her. It might be too suspicious. "Look pal you seem nice and all but I'm not interested," she tells him and I sigh quietly in relief. "Awe cmon" he smirks.

"I said no. Now if you excuse us" Cherry pushes past him, pulling me along. "You don't want to date him?" I question curiously. "I haven't been on a date since losing Bob. Besides, I want the next person to be the one, maybe my next soulmate" she says thoughtfully. It gets me excited. "Any clues as to who it might be?" I press.

"You'll see" she grins.

I might've just caught my lucky break.

Starstruck ✧ (Cherry Valance x reader)Where stories live. Discover now