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I stare at her with the biggest smile on my face. She truly is a beauty, nobody could deny it. Her wavy locks sit just above her shoulders and her silk dress sits perfectly against her body. It's hard to control my urges when she's just so dreamy. "Let's sit here," Cherry says, pointing to an oak tree. I agree and we set up our picnic, I notice she's made little triangle sandwiches and cakes with different coloured icing. Strawberries dipped in chocolate and our favourite smoothies. I nestle my head into her lap, feeling her fingers rake through my hair as I gaze up at the sunny skies. 

"I'm really lucky to have you Y/n," Cherry tells me. She bites into a strawberry, the chocolate coating her lips. "Why's that?" I reply, curious to know. "Well, you're smart and beautiful. Kind and strong-willed" she moves closer to my ear before whispering "Plus you're really good at sex."

I chuckle. 

"I could say the same about you"

She blushes.

As the date continues, we discuss the future. She tells me that she'd like to pursue a real dance career. I tell her I don't mind what I do, as long as we're together. "Will you come to my dance shows?" She questions. "Of course I will, I'll be front row" I grin. I can tell she wants a kiss but we're out in public. Perring around, I spot families and friends minding their own business. Just to be careful, I pull Cherry behind the tree before we lock lips. It feels risky but it comes with a spark of thrill. I try to move away before anyone sees but Cherry keeps my face close to hers. "Baby cmon-" I mumble against her lips but she shushes me.

"Just a minute longer..."

I give in and kiss her a minute longer, I hate to say no to her. But unbeknownst to us, that minute longer was going to cost us. 

[sensitive topic ahead, please skip if too much for you]

"Would you look at that, two dirty lezzies making out"

A male's voice breaks us apart. A group of young men possibly ranging between early 20's to late 30's are standing there watching with disgusted looks upon their masculine faces. "Hey look, we don't want any trouble" I speak out, standing in front of Cherry protectively. I know she's scared, I am too but I don't show it.  "Girls aren't allowed to kiss girls, you know it's wrong?" One of the men taunt. I stand there trying to keep my composure. "Love is love!" Cherry pipes up. I smile just a little, bless her innocent soul.

The man spits on the ground by our feet. "To hell with you and that gay shit!"

With no control left in me, I swing the first punch. The others are shocked when they hear the crack of his nose as he slumps to the ground but it's not over. I hear Cherry start to scream as I'm jumped by the rest of the group, punches and kicks attacking me from all sides of my body as I try to protect my face. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Cherry's cries of protest fall on deaf ears as she's pinned against the tree, defenceless. 

"B-baby run!" I call out to her, coughing up blood but she doesn't. I feel myself growing weaker, the pain nonstop as they continue to beat me. The world starts to turn dizzy as I'm thrown about like a rag doll. Is that what I get for being myself? For loving who I love? Who knew one simple kiss could lead to such passionate hate. I'm not a felon but it seems that the biggest crime I've committed is falling for Cherry Valance. 

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