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I follow Angela down the busy street. She had woken me up at the crack of dawn to go job hunting but my mind was elsewhere. After running around back and forth, talking to various bosses at different venues, I'm beginning to feel irritated but I hide it. 

"What about this place honey?" She points and I look. The sign reads 'Odysea Lounge' and it looks pretty decent, I catch almost a similar vibe to Cabaret Alcove. I hate to admit it but I actually miss Audrey even if she's a miserable cow towards everyone at times. I wonder how Derek is doing without me.

"Sure" I reply and she leads the way in. It's very busy inside but we manage to slip into a booth and order a round of spirits. "You know, I think this could be the one," she says and I merely nod. My feet hurt and I miss my friends back in New York. I feel her brushing her leg against mine but I pretend not to pick up on it.

Angela is oblivious to how I feel and disappears to find the boss. Now alone, I soak in the heavy chatter and loud music, the strong smell of alcohol and cigars. It's familiar yet makes me feel so isolated. I slowly feel like I'm starting to lose myself and it scares me. I'm scared to see how things will turn out.

Clamorous whistling catches my attention and I poke my head out of the booth to see what the commotion is about. Men of all legal ages gather around the stage hungrily as a dancer struts out to begin a routine. Curiously, I edge myself closer through the crowd and when I get a sight of the girl, my heart skips a million beats.

It's deja vu as I watch her dance. She's captured my heart all over again. 

"CHERRY!" I scream. 

She can't hear me over the boisterous music. I frantically wave my arms trying to get her to notice me but instead, it annoys the people around me. "Pipe down will ya!" One man scolds, shoving me backwards. "But my girlfriend-" I cry out, a flood of emotions waving over. In defeat, I'm elbowed away from the stage and I lose sight of her as the men tower over me like giants.

I have no choice but to wait it through. My foot taps the floor impatiently, I assume Angela is somewhere in an office. I catch glimpses of Cherry through small gaps and I feel calm when I see her. I just need to get her alone, explain everything and we can leave together! Thankfully it's only a short show and when there's a huge round of applause and the song dims, I know it's my chance.

I climb onto a barstool and cry out for her. 

"Cherry! Over here!"

I watch as she scans around slightly confused and when her eyes settle on me, her face lights up. Cherry tries to climb off stage but her path is blocked by men trying to chat her up. I jump down to the ground and just as I'm about to make my way over, a tight hand grabs onto me. "There you are! Why aren't you in the booth?" Angela's voice sends a shiver down my spine. "I just wanted a drink" I tug my arm away from her but she doesn't look too convinced.

I glance back at the stage, it's empty. "We got the job, starting tomorrow. I had to flirt a little but the boss is easy to control" she tells me but the words go in one ear and out the other. I spot red hair slowly approaching and my concentration is stolen once again. "Did you hear what I said?" Angela grabs my chin, forcing me to look at her. "Uh, something about a painting?" I reply and her face plunges into a frown, she knows I'm not focused on her and she doesn't like that.

So she does the unthinkable. 

She kisses me, right then and there. I hear a few gasps and mutters from other people and feel their looks of judgement. I pull away flustered when I hear a voice that freezes me on the spot. "How could you..." I turn around to encounter Cherry. Her presence makes me feel warm yet intimidated. Her fiery glare and pursed lips tells me this is not going to end well. "Who's this?" Angela demands, her hands on her hips.

I have to try and protect her.

"This...This is Hilary," I remember her stage name from the day we met, I just hope Angela doesn't see I'm bluffing. I didn't dare say friend to make things worse. Cherry's eyebrow raises. "We used to work together, do you mind if I say hello?" I add, trying to keep my cool. "Make it quick, we've got things to do" Angela replies with a cold tone before leaving, she waits outside by the door.

"Cherry baby I-"

A harsh slap to the face cuts me off. My cheek stings as I rub my palm over and I guess it's going to leave a red mark. "How dare you cheat on me!" Cherry screams, her eyes suddenly fill with tears. "No no you don't understand! She's got me under her control!" I blurt out. I'm trying to make sense of everything but it's not helping.

"You never responded to my letter, you show up at my workplace kissing another girl?!" Her explosive behaviour causes a scene and I feel overwhelmed. "Please let me explain! You have to listen to me!" I grab onto her arm but she pushes me off, my back connecting with the wall. "If I ever see you again Y/n I'll kill you" she threatens before turning on her heel and storming off.

"Cherry baby come back!" I try to chase after but a security guard stops me.

"It's time you leave missy,"

"But my-"

"Get out before I call the cops on you!"

My shoulders droop in defeat. I firmly wipe the tears away and with a shaky sigh, I leave the Odysea Lounge and meet up with Angela on the curb. She notices my swollen cheek but doesn't question it, quite honestly I'd rather not talk about it. Instead, she smiles and links her arm through mine.

"I can't wait to start work tomorrow," she says.

I can't wait for this misery to end.

"Yeah...Me too."

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