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A large round of applause sweeps through the crowd as the dancers bow down before leaving the stage. "Wow..." I say, almost speechless. I have been blessed for the past hour. "We should find a hotel now" Derek replies. "What? Not yet. I'd like a few words first."

He flashes me a look. "We don't have the time-"

"We do" I insist. Before he can object, I stand up from my seat and start to make my way backstage. It's busy, all dancers and performers walking around unwinding for the evening. Audrey, the woman in the long skirt and blazer notices me and strides over. 

"Now what are you doing?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. "I'm looking for one of your dancers. The redhead" I answer. She's obviously curious. "Why? What do you seek?" Audrey demands. I quickly think. "Advice on...Becoming a part of the business" I lie. I can't dance but she doesn't need to know.

She takes it in for a moment. "Walk down the hall, it's the last door on the left," she says. I thank her and weave my way through young ladies as I approach the dressing room. I give a firm but soft knock on the door. After a moment, a voice calls out. "Come in."

I open the door and slip inside, closing it quietly behind me. The room is big, decorated with posters of the speakeasy on the wall. A large vanity takes up most of the space with bright lights embedded into the mirrors. Racks of sparkly and showy clothes are on either side of the dressing room.

There she sits, looking at me curiously with her greenish blueish eyes. Long red hair flowing just past her bare shoulders. It should be illegal to look THAT hot. "Who are you?" She asks bluntly. "Uh, I- my name is Y/n and I just wanted to talk to you" I reply.

She turns around fully, one leg crossed over the other. 

'Fuck that's hot...'

"I don't know you, what would you possibly have to say to me?" She responds, she sounds slightly annoyed. "How did you get into the business? You're a star" I blurt out. She scans me up and down hesitantly. "I was scouted when I first came to New York. You have to have a certain...Physique" she says, a look of dismay on her face.

I cross my arms. 

"Are you saying I don't have what it takes?" 

She blushes slightly. "I never said that!" She flusters and I give a small smirk. I move closer and take a seat beside her. "What's your name?" I question. She holds back for a moment, really studying me. "Hilary" she finally answers. I have a feeling she's not telling me the truth but I decide to trust her.

"That's a pretty name. Where are you from?" I continue. Instead of answering, she turns her head away. "Look it's been a long night and I'm tired. Do you mind leaving?" She says. I'm a bit disappointed, I'm way too intrigued to go just yet. "Of course, don't mind me. But, before I go may I have your number?"

Hilary looks taken aback. "Why? I shouldn't talk to strangers over the telephone" she says. "I would like to be friends, of course, if you don't mind" I keep it respectful, showing I intend no harm. She sighs and grabs a pen and paper before scribbling down the number. "You can reach me there...If I'm not busy" she says.

I smile and tuck the paper straight into my pocket. "Nice meeting you Hilary" I accidentally wink flirtatiously and she looks at me as if I'm odd. To save myself from embarrassment, I quickly leave the room and head back to Derek.

"What took you so long?"

"I got her number"

"No way!" He doesn't believe me so I show him the evidence. In a low voice, he leans close to me. "Either she's gay too or you're just magical. Which is it?"

I chuckle. "I hope both."

"Moving on lover girl, it's late and Mandi has given us a hotel to stay at" Derek informs as he grabs our suitcases. "Mandi huh?" I wiggle my eyebrows. "I- shut up Y/n," he says and I laugh. As the club starts to empty, we leave and find a hotel just at the end of the street.

"Nothing fancy but it'll do" I hear him say as we settle down in our room. I don't end up replying as I flop down on the bed, Hilary still stuck in my mind. He knows it as I stare at the ceiling in silence. "Don't get too caught up with her" he warns.

"Yeah yeah."

Starstruck ✧ (Cherry Valance x reader)Where stories live. Discover now