Prologue Cont'd

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"You are self-aware, I see," She softly spoke.

I shied away quite visibly. It wasn't that She actually spoke at all. Her voice was in my head. In some weird instinctual reaction, I got down on one knee and lowered my head as far as it could go. Silence ensued. That is, with the exception of my heavy breathing.

I began to sweat as the silence continued. But then I heard – again in my head -- a gentle laugh. It was a kind laugh, maybe pitying. It made sense if it was the latter. I mean, my life up to this point wasn't very impressive, and my accomplishments were few. I was unable to accomplish much of anything, and my father was probably dead from overdose.

"Please, raise your head," God said.

I did so, hesitantly, and found She was no longer cloaked in an oscillating haziness. Her gown had settled on a pinkish hue. As my gaze moved up Her form to Her face, I discovered what I had already guessed was true: She was beyond stunning. Her breathtaking green eyes, above beautifully sculpted cheekbones, looked into mine.

I knew She was peering into my life when Her eyes met mine. Looking into my very being. Her pretty nose, and small, but full lips completed the picture. Her visage would have most any man reeling with temptation. She was the perfect woman. Or rather, the perfect God.

"You are indeed correct. Many mortals that come before me feel temptation. I had to create a barrier to mitigate all emotions. Rarely do some mortals exceed it, such as you have. You are most certainly a unique individual amongst your people, Xavier. I do not mean that in the sense that you persevered as best you could, given your situation."

I wasn't sure of the emotions stirring within at Her words.

"Many men before you have done better and many after you will do better. I do not intend to be rude, but you really fell through the cracks in life. I know you have many questions, most do, and I can hear them running through your mind right now. Before I answer them, I want to ask you a few of my own," She said in my mind.

I thought, ask away. You are God after all. It got another soft laugh from her.

"What is it that you cared most for in your short life?"

I rummaged through my mind, picking through all the different memories trying to search for an answer. I guess... I didn't have anything, I thought.

I mostly meandered through life trying to survive. As much as I wished for things to get better, they never did. Eventually I gave up and became content with the status quo.

God sighed softly. She'd likely heard those exact words thousands if not hundreds of thousands of times or more.

"You are correct. My next is this: If you could do anything what would you do?" She questioned with a bit more intensity.

Even before I could begin to muster my thoughts, I realized She already knew the answer. She had to, I mean, God is all-knowing, right? Her lips curled in a gentle smile.

I always did enjoy fantasy novels... You know, the high fantasy ones with all sorts of magic and demons and heroes. I guess if I could do anything, I'd want to be the hero of a world.

"You are true to your soul, Xavier. Then, my final question to you is this: Would you like to live out a life like that?" She asked, rising from Her chair.

God moved down the stairs toward me, Her gown flowing gracefully behind Her creating a whirl of colors in Her wake. Each step She took produced a silent explosion of purple beneath Her bare feet. She stopped a few feet in front of me. I shivered as I felt some instinctual urge from deep within my core try to surface.

Of course, I would... But that isn't real.

"You forget I am God. I can make anything real. There are millions like you that live in their very own world where they live content lives. Well, maybe not all of them," She mused while looking away from me with a mischievous smile.

Oh yea, haha, you are God. I mean, if this new life is going to be better than my current one, then I guess I have no reason to turn down your offer... Out of curiosity, though, what would happen if I rejected?

"Mm, you'd likely just be reborn in your current universe as someone else, with no recollection of your previous life, mostly, and then you'd just live again. The odds of you getting a good life are one in two-billion-eight-hundred-and-eighty-seven, oh wait, eighty-three," She explained casually.

I knew immediately that I'd rather get a guaranteed life of adventure and uniqueness. I watched as God smiled ever so gently and whispered a farewell. As everything slowly stretched out and started to fade, I felt an intense pang of loneliness.

Wait! Will you accompany me? Like, with an avatar of yourself or something?

"Sorry, I cannot do that. You will definitely meet a good woman and marry her, so do not stress about companionship too much! I will be watching over you, along with your new Gods!"

I felt some unexplained and alien instinct explode from inside me, different from before. I reached out as God looked impossibly far away, and grabbed Her wrist. Surprise spread across Her face as She was pulled with me into the ever-far stretching blackness.

I felt extremely nauseous as I spun around in the nothingness. Next to me God shrieked as She hung on for dear life. A massive shiver ran down my spine and the contents of my stomach decided to come forth. It wasn't vomit as I expected, it was a scenic view that erupted from my mouth. There were cottages and fields of flowers in view, and when I finished vomiting it all up, I felt myself pulled into it.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now