Part 54

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"An interesting proposition. What do we gain from it?"

I never thought that far ahead.

"Well, I'm going to rid the kingdom of its dragon problem," I pointed out.

"This may be true ... but your methods of getting to this point warrant suspicion," he fired back.

He had a point. Realistically, my plan had many faults and openings that would've led any other person to an execution block. I had nothing backing me besides my use of magic, which he was able to identify with ease.

"I really have nothing else to offer you. I honestly didn't think I would get this far," I admitted with a chuckle.

Belmohd took in a deep, long breath before exhaling in a long sigh.

"If that is the case, then I will have no choice but to restrain you and place you on trial for exposing a national secret."

I noticed the lack of malicious intent to his voice. I cleared my throat.

"I'm certain we could work something out. Do you seek money? Knowledge?" I asked, raising my arms in a shrug.

"I think we can come to an understanding – Xavier, was it? Knowledge is always something we mages seek."

Well that was kind of easy, I thought.

"Then we have a deal. In exchange for allowing me private use of one of your training areas for mages, I will provide you with knowledge. I'm assuming of the magical variety?"

"That is correct," he nodded.

I was certainly glad we came to an understanding so peacefully and quickly, though I did assume he planned on surveying me to try and get more than I was going to offer. The old elf led me through winding hallways and down several flights of stairs before coming to a series of doors.

"Each one of these is its own separate dimension. A pocket within our current one. You will have access to this one until you have slated the dragons, or I believe you are not providing sufficient knowledge. How does that work for you?" Belmohd asked when we reached a door with the number '21' on it.

"A generous deal," I nodded.

I made sure to memorize my exact location before entering the room. I planned on blinking in every time hereafter to make travelling easier. The pocket dimensions these guys had were much bigger and significantly more diverse than Vel'Nysa's. The one I was given was a large wheat field with a section of trees on one side and another section containing a large creek. It provided a significantly larger area for practice.

"I take it this is acceptable?" I heard Belmohd asked from behind.

"Indeed, it is. Say, would you mind sparring with me? I need someone to hit me with a variety of fire-based spells."

He chuckled softly.

"Unfortunately, I do not possess much in the way of fire magics, but I can bring you one who does."

I nodded while still examining the area.

"I'd appreciate it."

Belmohd departed from the room in a silent, quick fashion. It was almost as if his feet never touched the ground. I examined my surroundings further still and tested a couple different spells. Using my Palm Fire, I incinerated a significant chunk of the wheat field.

I began to think about manipulating the amount of magic I channeled into my spells to reduce or engorge the effects but I was interrupted by the door opening. Belmohd stepped inside followed by a second, much taller hooded figure following suit.

"Xavier, this is Oren Von'Ashtar. He is the head of offensive magics in Kle'Xa," he motioned toward the hooded figure.

Oren unveiled his hood slowly. .

"Greetings," Oren said in a deep, humble voice.

"Greetings indeed. I apologize for interrupting whatever you may have been doing, but I'm interested in having you throw your fire magic at me," I stated plainly.

"'Tis fine. High Priest Belmohd told me about you on the way here. My interest was captured rather quickly," he smiled.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, I have business I must attend to," Belmohd said, leaving the room.

Oren positioned himself about thirty feet from me and crouched slightly.

"How would you like this match to go?" he asked.

"Since I'm training to fight a dragon, I need you to hit me with everything you have, if you'd please."

I created a shield of water tightly compact about two feet in front of me. The shield stood about a foot taller than me and reached three feet across. Oren scrunched his brow and pursed his lips slightly.

"I'm ready," I spoke.

Oren inhaled deeply before unleashing a short chant and thrusting his arms forward. As they became outstretched, fire spun around them before coalescing into two separate balls of flame that shot into my water shield. They disappeared very quickly upon hitting the shield, but not before causing a fair bit of steam to rise out.

It obscured my vision enough that it would hinder me in a real combat. I maneuvered around to the side to examine the damage. It appeared that with how much water I condensed, the attack was unable do too much.

I moved back behind it and signaled for Oren to use his next attack. He brought both hands in front of his body, palms facing him and began chanting once more. Spirals of fire appeared in the air, gathering into each of his palms, slowly growing and growing until he had two head-sized balls of fire. He took a step forward, bringing his arms out toward his sides and with a slight delay as though he was charging up, he launched them at me.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now