Part 66

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"I see. Well, I don't particularly need anything from her, other than a trophy. I guess I'll take a piece of claw," I said, walking toward one of Loht's gargantuan claws.

I casted Windblade and cut off the first three inches of claw. The piece was still massive, about the width of my torso. I handed it to Jayde who tied it to Aurias' side with leather straps, after which, she returned to my side. When I dispelled the Windblade, a thought occurring to me.

I maneuvered my way around Loht's massive corpse and peered into the dark cave. Herthog and Led had moved about during my conversation with Tauramon. The only conclusion was that the two were inside. I grabbed a chunk of wood and set an end ablaze and proceeded inside.

The cave echoed sound quite well. Well enough, in fact, that I heard the sounds of metal striking something, and something flying through the air. I quickened my pace to find Herthog and Led cutting into one of Loht's eggs.

"No!" I screamed out; hand outstretched.

The two froze in place with a faint red aura about them. The damage was already done. Fluids of various color poured through the large cuts and holes in the egg. I heard several sets of footsteps approach behind me. Rushing forward with hand still outstretched, I examined the egg. The fluids subsided to an ebb by the time I reached it. Loht may or may not have understood me when I spoke to her, but I already failed my promise to her.

I'm not sure what it was I felt; potentially some remnant of Loht's feelings after absorbing her essences, but there was a rage building in me. I fought hard to quell it down as Tauramon spoke from behind me.

"Why do you stop them, Xavier?" he questioned inquisitively.

I doubted any of them would've understood had I explained.

"I had plans for the eggs. Now there's one left, thanks to your orcish and hobbit friends. I don't think you quite understand just how valuable they are, nor do I think your comrades understand the idea of being granted permission," I sneered.

My back was turned to them, so I was unaware what kind of face Tauramon made, but it probably wasn't a nice one. I approached the two of them with anger and examined the other egg. I felt some relief as I found it was unscathed. I closed my eyes and took a long, deep breath before turning back to them.

"If you so much as speak or act out of turn once I release this spell, I will not hesitate to make you all my enemies," the distaste in my words apparent.

I waited a couple moments, looking to Tauramon to make a move. He nodded silently, to which I ended the Stop. Herthog and Led halted their motions and stepped away from me without saying a word. I could see Herthog's Jaw tensing up in the twisting light from the torch. I didn't care if he planned to attack at that moment. I was prepared for a fight.

"We shall take our leave, then," Tauramon stated, bowing slightly.

The three of them left without another word. I followed them out and watched as the whole group mounted up and left. The witch turned to look back at me, but I couldn't make out her expression due to the hood of her robe covering her face. Jayde approached me from one side with Aurias on the other.

"So ... what do you plan to do with the egg?" Jayde asked.

"... I plan to keep it safe until it hatches," I said plainly.

"A noble deed, indeed," chimed Aurias.

The heat I felt left me shortly after the Absolvers of Yuna left my sight. I returned my gaze to the massive cavern and stared into the darkness. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, so I decided to take it one step at a time. If the evil God that was planning to go after Thea was journeying to the Northeast, I will train in the South. My thoughts wandered to Her, but only for a brief moment.

"... Aurias, do you have any knowledge on how to take care of a dragon egg?" I asked, turning toward him.

"Unfortunately, I do not. I apologize for not being of more use," he replied, lowering his head a little.

"There's no need to apologize. I doubt there's much in the way of dragon-caring," I chuckled.

"I guess the only thing we can do is take care of it here. It's probably too heavy for us to lift and too cumbersome to effectively move. I don't know how long it's going to take for the egg to hatch, but in the meantime, you should go and do whatever it is you need or want to do," I continued, looking toward Jayde.

She returned a confused gaze.

"I owe you my life, so the only thing I need to do is stay here to make sure I do what is necessary to protect yours," she said pridefully.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now