Part 62

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I hesitated to answer. The witch could cast magic, and so could Tauramon. I wasn't sure if the hobbits or the orc could though.

"How long have you been watching?" I asked, giving Aurias an annoyed sidelong glare.

"Since you threw shards of ice at Loht!" Traci exclaimed.

"I trained most of my life in the arcane ways to fight that dragon," I lied.

Tauramon squinted his eyes somewhat. Maybe he had a hard time seeing me from ten feet away.

"It has taken me all my life to get to where I am. Most humans never even acquire the ability to cast magic. I am having a hard time believing you," he accused.

"He is telling the truth," Jayde spoke up.

"He and I grew up together. He has always had a way with magic. We had to keep his powers hidden from the public all his life, but he kept training anyway," she lied.

The hobbits appeared satisfied with the explanation, but Tauramon was still suspicious.

Thank you, I silently thanked her.

"Still, he possesses teleportation magic, as well as ice magic. It is almost unheard of that a magic user specializes in more than one element or focus."

Stop being so persistent, old man! I thought.

"And you can't just accept that I'm part of the 'almost' unheard of percentile?"

Tauramon chuckled briefly.

"I see your point. I guess my questions are satisfied – for now."

"Alright, then. It's been nice, but we have a dragon to go kill," I stated, nodding my head in the direction Loht flew off to.

We walked maybe ten feet when they stopped us.

"Do you really expect to take care of that dragon by yourselves?" Traci asked in excitement.

"There is no conceivable way you can do that," Led piggybacked.

"Traci poses a valid point, Xavier. Would you not say we both work together to fell this beast?" Tauramon asked.

I contemplated it. For a while, really. On one hand, the help would make the fight tremendously easier, but on the other hand, the magical and martial essence would be divided amongst everyone. On top of that, we'd have to split the reward. I wasn't all that greedy for money, but my main concern was losing out on the essences.

"I apologize, but I will have to decline. I have a personal vendetta against Loht," I lied again.

The witch lowered her head ever so slightly. Tauramon must've seen her movement as well.

"Then it is decided. Since you have struck the first blow against the dragon, we shall accompany you, but not interfere except when necessary," he stated.

"How do we know you won't try to kill us in our sleep?" Jayde asked.

"A valid concern," I agreed.

There was an awkward silence. The two of us glared at Herthog, mostly, then to the witch. She made minimal movement, but they all seemed to understand her.

Strange, I thought.

"Madam has given you her word that we will not harm either of you-"

"And my horse," I butted in.

"Including your horse. Is our word enough for you to accept?" Tauramon asked.

I looked to Jayde who nodded.

"It seems so. Loht has probably flown a few miles at least by this point, so we plan to get to clear an area and camp out for the night," I stated.

The hobbits and Tauramon nodded. Herthog grunted and the witch made no real discernable movements. We cleared out a portion of the annihilated hamlet and made camp. For the remainder of the day I rested while Jayde kept watch. During the night, Aurias watched us as we slept. The next day, we continued our pursuit of Loht.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now