Part 12

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I departed the guild hall and began walking toward Tult's Eastern gate when I came to a realization; I could buy a horse! I'd never ridden one before, so I was going to have trouble at first, but I felt confident enough.

A short detour later brought me to the stables. The helping hand who was tending to one of the horses referred me to the stable master.

"Aye, welcome lad! D'ja got anythin' specific yer lookin' fer?" his accent was deep and thick.

"Not really. I just need a horse," I said with a chuckle.

"Ya can't go with any horse, lad. Ya need one who fits ya well. Horses are companions!"

He shot me a beaming smile before motioning for me to follow.

"Been carin' fer 'em all me life. A good horse'll git ya far."

He led me to the horses and gave me an explanation on each of them. It was really helpful knowledge since I knew next to nothing about horses.

Certain breeds were better for certain areas, like the bigger horses with more fur being good in winter climes, whereas a couple that were really lean-looking were good for speed along linear paths like roads.

The horses were in all sorts of shades ranging from browns to whites and blondes. It was genuinely fascinating.

"What about that one?" I asked, pointing to a lean, ashen colored horse with a large white mane.

"Ah, that one's our prollem guy. Classic tale of 'im rejectin' all th' riders. Weren't fer 'is attitude, e'd fetch a good price, haha!"

I gave a courtesy chuckle in response – the kind you give when you know something isn't really funny, but you don't want to hurt someone's feelings – and approached the horse.

Its dark eyes seemed to bore into me. It made me feel a little uneasy, yet I still dared to bring my hand toward his head. He neighed and whinnied but made no move to avoid me.

When my hand made contact, he quieted down and I felt a strange, alien surge of energy flowing through me. I felt like I was being transported to some foreign place, and in my mind, I was.

I found myself standing on a cloud in space. There were stars and galaxies in every direction, and a low fog wafting around at knee level. About forty feet from me was the horse, except it looked vastly different.

It had dark purple luminescent lines that ran across its body from a strange symbol on its forehead, and purple flames that rose up a foot from each hoof, its tail and mane. I blinked a few times and even pinched myself to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. If I was, it was a powerful drug.

"Greetings, Highborne," a deep, booming voice – I assumed the horse – said

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"Greetings, Highborne," a deep, booming voice – I assumed the horse – said.

It sounded like it was coming from all around me.

"Uh, greetings." I replied incredulously while examining the surrounding.

"Your surprise is valid, Highborne. I am called Aurias. Do you know why you are here?"

"Uh, well, hi, Aurias. They call me Xavier. To be quite frank, no. I don't. I think this is a pretty sweet place you got here, though."

I hesitated from moving as it felt like the cloud I stood upon might give way were I to move.

"'Tis not my 'place'. We are in the realm between Gods and Mortals, The Ethereal."

"Oh, well ... It's still a pretty neat place. So, why am I here?"

It was a bit difficult maintaining an aura of calm despite what was going on.

"I brought you here because I have been waiting for one of your caliber."

"My caliber? You're very flattering, but I think you're mistaken, I just wanted a good horse," I said with a chuckle.

"What is funny, Highborne Xavier?" Aurias asked, his voice as serious as before.

"I don't think it's so much 'funny' as really odd that I came to a normal stable to get a normal horse to do a normal job, and I find you, a mystical omnipotent horse that has flames coming out of it. I haven't even done much searching, and it feels like everything's coming to me," I explained.

The first experience in Johdpur aside, I saved a bunch of random people during my first quest and net an unreasonably large profit. Now, I'm talking to a ... horse God?

"I am neither mystical nor omnipotent. I am of a race known as Tarboleth. We exist solely to aid those with power."

I nodded a little trying to follow along.

"How many of you are there...? And does that mean your race will also aid evil people?" I had relaxed a little by that point as the inquisitive part of my mind began to churn.

"There are only twelve of us that exist. We do not care for the politics of good and evil, as we are merely tools used to help those with power gain more via a contract."

He paused a moment before continuing.

"Throughout time, however, there are only a few times in which all twelve of us have lived at once."

I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Twelve Tarboleth could exist at one time, and they're all powerful horse-things. If one was in front of me that meant the other eleven are probably helping someone else.

Considering there was still some great enemy I needed to stop, it was possible one was aiding the enemy. I was supposed to be the hero of my own world, so it made sense.

"I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions."

"I care not."

"Okay, then ... What happens when you die? Can you talk to the other Tarboleth, and if not, are you aware of how many have contracts?"

If I had to face someone with one of these creatures, I needed to know at least some basic information.

"When we die, we are reincarnated one hundred years later, once more awaiting those with power. I am unable to talk to my brethren; however, I do possess the ability to know how many have contracts."

I waited a few moments, but Aurias didn't continue.

"So ... How many of you have contracts?"

"There are currently eight."

"What do I have to do in order to make a contract with you?" I asked, finally getting to the point.

"You need only acknowledge verbally. Your words will create a mental and soul bind with me, allowing us to speak with one another outside this realm."

I thought about it for a few seconds.

What would happen if he died, does that mean I'd die, too? I wondered.

There were probably other stipulations that I wasn't aware of, or thought about, but based off of our conversation, Aurias didn't seem to have any malicious intent.

"Very well," I cleared my throat.

"I, Xavier, acknowledge Aurias as my noble steed to aid me."

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now