Part 25

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"Deal," I agreed, reaching out a hand to shake hers.

She looked at me quizzically.

"It's a handshake. Where I'm from, we use it to signify a deal has been agreed upon, or upon meeting someone for the first time."

She nodded and clasped my hand tenderly. Her skin was baby smooth.

"I guess I'll go first since I asked," I shrugged.

There was still a bit of a strained air and awkwardness, and rightfully so. I wouldn't immediately trust someone who threw fire at me, nor would I if someone tried charming me.

"This way," she motioned back toward the door.

Vel'Nysa showed me to a room she uses to practice magic in. It was large and dome-shaped with nothing significant within aside from the stone wall signifying the wall that surrounded the space.

"Okay, so ... usually I just say the spell name, and it happens, like so. Palm Fire," I demonstrated.

A wave a flame shot out from my hand and splashed the wall in front of us. Her reactions were unusual, and she kept asking me to repeat the process. I did so without qualm since I was getting something out of it as well. She was keen on every movement and word I said.

When she tried recreating it, however, she was unsuccessful. I could tell she got progressively more agitated at her failure. In the end, she gave up if only temporarily.

"Please wait here a moment," she said before leaving the room for a few minutes.

She returned with a scroll in hand and unfurled it before handing it to me.

"This is the method to create the barrier you saw earlier."

I looked it over while nodding here and there. There were several diagrams and a few charts, but that wasn't the biggest thing to stand out.

"I can't actually read this," I smiled, handing the scroll back.

Her brows furrowed and she gave me a look of bewilderment.

"Then how?"

"Intuition, I guess."

She huffed in annoyance, but nonetheless read it to me. The process was overly complicated, but the gist of it fell into the Chant category. I had to speak the words 'Deflection Barrier' and hold at least one of my arms in front of me to create the same spell she used. I was successful on the first try, which served only to make her more agitated.

"You must have some trick. Seldom are people able to cast without incantations," the irritation in her voice obvious.

"I thought saying the name of the spell was the incantation?"

She responded with widened eyes.

"'Tis not the case, no. There is a methodical approach one must take to successfully manipulate magic," she was astonished at my lack of knowledge.

I practiced the spell a few more times to commit it to memory before feeling confident in my ability to cast it.

"Okay, I think I'm good to try out the charm stuff."

"'Twould be wrong to say I am not hesitant to show you. It is a powerful spell that bends the will of another. 'Tis generally a closely guarded secret for those that can cast it."

"It seems like it's something fundamentally different from other physical manifestations that spells create, so it'd most likely fail even if we tried," I tried assuring her.

"I also think the methods for casting are overly complicated, so it wouldn't hurt."

She mulled it over a moment, then withdrew a thick scroll from inside her robes. She reached to give it to me, but remembered I couldn't read whatever language it was in. Much to my amazement, it followed the rules of Haste spells. Thus, all I needed to do was imagine the effect I wanted, and any words I spoke while I imagined it triggered the spell.

I decided to name it 'Charm', because, well, I lacked imagination. I made a note to list out and make cooler names for my spells.

"Would you mind being the volunteer?" I asked.

I could see the reservation in her eyes, but she relented.

"I suppose so."

I thought about her listening to and following any commands I gave.

"It would be kind of you to do as I ask, Vel'Nysa," I spoke softly, imagining her agreeing to, and following my whims.

She lost balance momentarily.

Probably what I looked like, I thought.

When she stood straight again, she looked at me blankly with extremely dilated eyes.

"Yes, Xavier," she said robotically.

I imagined her using her normal manner of speaking and intonations.

"Hold out your hand for me."

"Of course, Xavier," she complied in her normal tone.

"Spin around three times and then jump twice. Then pant like a dog for ten seconds," I chuckled.

This really has some mischievous applications, I thought.

Vel'Nysa complied once more and did as I directed with enthusiasm.

I wonder if she'll remember this, maybe if I envision that. I'll try it, I thought.

"Thank you for your cooperation," I said envisioning the spell ending.

Her pupils returned to their normal size and she scowled at me with a reddened face.

"That was one of the most humiliating things I have ever done!" she scolded.

"I apologize, but I needed to make sure it worked," I replied with a strained smile.

"Though, I would appreciate your cooperation once again."

She stumbled once more.

"How would you like my assistance?" she asked, charmed once again.

"Take off your robes."

She took off the dark green robe she was wearing without hesitation. Underneath she wore a dark green corset, panties and thigh high stockings with brown leather boots.

Forgive me, I thought.

She had moderately sized breasts that didn't really fill out the robe, so one wouldn't be able to tell their size otherwise. Her body was in the shape of a tight hourglass that really accentuated the rest of her figure.

"Okay, that's enough of that," I said, feeling a bit flustered.

"Put your robes back on. Once you do that, you're free to do as you please but forget what I just made you do," I stated.

I envisioned her not recalling what I did. Once her pupils returned to normal, the redness filled her face once more.

"Either way, do not attempt to charm me again," she stated, relaxing a bit.

It looked like it worked. Once she composed herself, we returned to the room I charred up.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now