Part 61

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I thought fit to be sarcastic, but I bit my tongue. I didn't know if they planned to attack me in my weakened state.

"Maybe not the best question to be asking right now," I reprimanded, grunting as I adjusted my position.

The witch inhaled slightly. It seemed she was picking up what I was putting down, but she refrained from speaking.

"Answer his question!" the orc demanded, pointing his sword at my head.

"I think it fair you all tell me who you are. I'm the one in an injured state, so that's the least you could do first," I rebutted.

I felt like I was pushing my luck. If he decided to strike me down in that moment, I probably wouldn't have been able to stop it.

"That does it -!" the orc shouted.

He raised his sword and swung it down toward me, but he was knocked several feet away and onto the ground. Aurias had charged over and headbutted him, despite the heavy armor.

"Please refrain from antagonizing and provoking the wild animals. They can be dangerous!" I chuckled, wincing once more.

I was most certainly pushing my luck.

"Herthog, please quell the aggression," the old man said.

"You've quite a tongue on you," he turned and spoke to me.

"Considering you've all rudely encroached upon my personal space and refuse to tell me who you are, I think it's fitting, don't you? I feel like a group of bandits are trying to kill me right now."

The witch let out a faint giggle. I heard it, I was certain of that.

"Look! He's got a bracelet on," the male hobbit spoke.

"He's a mercenary," the female hobbit finished.

"Shucks, you found me out," I weakly snapped my fingers.

That got another faint giggle. The orc had risen to his feet and rejoined the others. Aurias positioned himself in such a way that he could defend me should he need to. The old man sighed.

"It seems I will have to resort to making you speak," he said almost regretfully.

He opened his book and flipped to a specific page.

"Alenad uqisradeen porthaledom maliadminous," he chanted as he read the words on the page.

I felt myself being pulled back into my mind. It was exactly like when Thea took over my body. I fought back with all the mental power I had, but I felt myself slipping further and further. It was then a bright orange wave cut across the old man's chest, sending him onto his back in pain. The hobbits and witch gasped, turning their attention toward him while the orc moved quickly, stomping on someone.

I turned my head, feeling the effects fading to see Jayde with her sword arm pinned in an abnormal way. She was crying out in pain.

"Aurias," I shouted.

Aurias' eyes lit up and a bright red blast that looked like lasers shot from his eyes, exploding against the orc's armor, staggering him back.

"I really feel like this whole situation is getting out of hand," I said flatly in annoyance.

I turned to see the witch casting some sort of healing magic on the old man.

Thank God they had the power to heal, I thought.

"Herthog, please. I've said it once already, do not provoke the wild animals," I said in an annoyed, cheeky tone.

I rolled over and crawled next to Jayde and casted Greater Heal on her arm after setting it back to a normal position. Her pained whimpers quickly faded. My mind slowly slipped from away with every spell I casted.

"Thank you, Xavier," she grunted, sitting up.

I nodded and returned my attention to the others. Herthog had his sword ready to fight Aurias. I had no idea he could even shoot lasers.

That's my horse! I thought happily.

The old man had sat up after a minute, groaning in pain. He stood up at the same time as Jayde, who helped me to my feet. I had one arm over her shoulders as support.

"I know you are all the Absolvers of Yuna. Just tell me your names," I repeated.

They all looked to the witch, who nodded hesitantly.

"I'm Traci!" the female hobbit spoke first.

"My name is Led," the male hobbit spoke next.

"I am Tauramon. You know Herthog already ... this woman is our Madam. You may call her as such," Tauramon spoke.

Madam obviously isn't her real name, I thought.

"I'd like to know her real name," I said.

"No," Tauramon replied instantly.

Worth a shot, I thought.

"That wasn't so hard, was it? My name is Xavier Soon-To-Be-Dragon-Slayer," I said sarcastically.

Tauramon's ears perked slightly when I mentioned my fictitious last name.

"I am Jayde Kegg," Jayde introduced herself.

"I would not say it's been a pleasure thus far, but I am to ask: How were you able to do everything you've done during that fight?"

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now