Part 14

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When the spell ended, the immense heat still remained afterward causing me to sweat more heavily, and a small gust of air brushed around me.

That's what I figured, I thought.

I kept my palm up and proceeded further at a steady pace. I listened intently for screeches or the patter of footsteps. A palm fire shot out whenever I did. The farther I explored, the stronger the gust of air was.

I couldn't see anything passed what little light my hand generated as light from the sun faded, so I was taking every precaution to not be shot in the darkness beyond my vision. The sweat on my face became thick from the rising temperatures I was chugging out in such a tight space.

The further I got, the smaller the cave got to the point I was crawling. My breathing became labored and my sweat had soaked through my undergarments into the robe. I nearly got caught on my robe as it dragged across the ground, and my eyes stung whenever a bead of sweat ran over the,.

It felt like I was in a hot box with how hot it was. After another minute or so of high crawling through the cave, I got to the end. There weren't any significant structures, items, or bodies inside the cave, so I assumed the smell of rotting flesh came from the kobold themselves.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, though all my breaths were like deep sighs. I ended my light spell and laid on my back for a moment in the hot darkness. Memories from the last time I felt nearly so winded surfaced in my mind.

It was back when I worked for a construction company. Lifting all the cement bags, beams and various other objects really wore someone out. The heat of the present brought me back.

It never crossed my mind that I'd be lying by myself inside a cave killing fantasy creatures with actual magic. The absurdity made me laugh aloud.

After I caught my breath a little, I awkwardly turned myself around in the tight space. Then, I made my way back out passed the charred corpses of at least fourteen kobold.

The smell was rank, and when combined with the heat made me feel nauseated. I made a note to use the other elements more effectively so I didn't have to deal with burning everything, despite how quick and easy it was.

"Aurias, is the area clear?" I asked aloud, finally able to walk through the cave.

The cooler outside air seeping into the cave sent a short chill across my body.

"Yes, Xavier. There are no significant presences nearby," he replied.

I finally reached the entrance to the cave where Aurias awaited.

"You seem a bit winded," he mused.

"Uh, yeah ... I didn't think the heat was going to be that bad," I inhaled deeply.

Once I mounted Aurias, we began the short journey back to Tult.

"How does this whole power thing work, anyway?" I asked along the way.

"As our riders gain power, so do us. The power a Tarboleth possesses is an accumulation from rider to rider. All the riders' power I have had before is within me. The same is such for all Tarboleth."

"You guys basically get more powerful every iteration."

"That is correct."

"Do you all simply have power, or do you also possess abilities and the like?"

"We all have a core set of abilities, as well as our own unique ones."

I waited for him to continue, but he didn't.

"What are they?"

"I do not recall. Every iteration must relearn the things one can do like a new foal. However, they are available once specific criteria are met for use until death."

"Can you turn into that cool purple flaming horse?" I half joked.

"Yes. That is my true form. Other Tarboleth are similar," his robotic nature of speaking made it difficult to understand whether he was able to pick up on my jesting.

We passed a few people on their own horses. I nodded to them, and received one in return.

"Earlier you said there were fourteen of the Kobold. I counted as many on my way out. How did you know?" I realized that I was talking aloud, seemingly to myself from others' perspectives.

"Tarboleth can sense the life essence of creatures. My range is roughly a mile around."

The only response I gave was a light 'huh' as soon enough we reached the town gates. After getting inside and heading to the guild hall, I maneuvered Aurias near the door and hopped off to enter.

I realized I was pretty dirty and probably smelled. It was apparent when most everyone looked at me with scrunched faces as I passed them. Faye's eyes lit up when she saw me approaching.

"You look a little worse for wear, and smell like it, too," she joked.

"Thanks. I had to use some really underhanded tactics, but I managed to wipe them all out. By the way, how do you guys confirm that a quest is completed?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"I am still surprised you came back at all. Kobold are usually quick to react and kill people, especially someone like you who does not seem to carry a weapon. As for your question, if it is an escort quest, the guild hall in the destination will confirm completion to give payment. For most other quests, we usually send out a scouting party to confirm completion. Usually we are cautious when paying someone who completes a quest so many ranks higher such as yourself."

She took a quick pause to grab the quest from the active board, stamp it, and place it on the completed section.

"Not only do I believe you to be a trust-worthy character, but what you did with the goblins really showed some of the higher ranked mercenaries that you care for more than just the job. I will still send a scouting party, but I think they will find you completed the job well, so you can receive your payment today," she said with a gentle smile.

She went to the back and returned moments later with a large coin pouch.

"The quest was for sixty Peri silver coins. You completed it from four ranks lower. As such, on behalf of Mercer, we are matching you coin for coin on your reward once more. Here is your payment of one-hundred-twenty Peri silver."

I took the pouch and put it into my money pocket.

"Thank you, Faye. I shall return soon enough for another quest, I'm sure," I said before walking out.

"Do take care ... and be sure to wash up!" she called from behind.

I led Aurias to the inn's shabby stables and had him tied there. He was a little annoyed, but I wasn't going to risk him having to be chased down or something because he wasn't tethered, or God forbid, someone tries to steal him.

After I finished tying his reins, I made my way back to what I found to be an empty room.

Well, at least she's going somewhere, I thought.

It was only about two in the afternoon, but I felt physically tired. I doffed my robes, most of my undergarments, and climbed into the bed for some well-deserved rest.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now