Part 20

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"I know you can use magic," she asserted in a low voice.

I looked at her bewildered, feigning ignorance.

"Whatever do you mean, Jayde?"

She leaned in close enough that I felt her breath tingle my ear. I felt awkward with her so close.

"I know you're able to cast magic. I don't intend on telling people, but I want to talk about it," she whispered.

I nodded in response. I looked back to Thea who raised an eyebrow questioningly. I shrugged and told her I'd be right back. Jayde led the way, taking us behind the wagons and far enough into the darkness that only the dimmest of light from the campfires illuminated our faces.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I wanted to thank you, again, for saving us. That's two times you've saved me, and I haven't repaid you," she said hesitantly.

"It's not that big of a deal, really. I'm just glad I was able to help," I replied a little uneasily.

The low light from the flames flickered against her as she shifted positions.

"No, I truly feel I'm indebted to you with my life."

"You shouldn't be. Your parents paid me for saving you, though I never asked for it," I chuckled.

"I don't care. I left my family to pursue my own goals. They wanted to marry me off to some man that owned a business just to increase their own worth," she spat at the ground in disgust.

I guess that letter to me wasn't as sincere as I first suspected, I thought.

"I can see that, I guess. You are a very attractive young woman."

Even in the low-light conditions I was able to tell she was blushing.

"A – Anyway, since I'm indebted to you, I will follow wherever you go and protect you with my life," she stated decisively.

I didn't feel I had a choice to refuse. She seemed the stubborn type, and I never did well with those kinds of people.

"How can you protect me if a few goblins get the better hand?" I joked.

"I'll get better. I promise. I know of several trainers in the city thanks to my parents' connections," she quipped back, taking offense.

"I don't know how long we'll be staying in Onyx, though, and I can handle myself, see?" I said, creating a mote of fire.

Her eyes lit up in awe. She waved her hand underneath the mote, brushing her fingers against my palm a couple times.

"That's amazing ... but still! I have to train if I'm to protect you, so I ask that you at least stay in the city for a short while."

I crushed the mote in my hand, pondering her request. If the big bad evil I was supposed to kill were the mages in the North and East, then I at least had a goal to accomplish now.

I can finally start being the hero in my own world, I thought.

A sense of excitement and happiness filled me. Jayde was staring at me for a while as I must've zoned out.

"I'll accept. I could probably use some training myself in the self-defense department."

A smile spread across her face.

"We should get some sleep though. There's still about half a day's journey until we get there," I yawned.

"Okay," she responded, yawning herself.

I climbed into my wagon and doffed my robes to use as a pillow. As my mind dozed off into the dream world, I felt a soft, small hand brush across my forehead just before I lost consciousness. I could've sworn I heard the words whispered "Goodnight, my God".

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now