Part 23

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We handed the posts to the receptionist who stamped them and placed them onto the working board. After thanking him once more, the three of us grouped up outside an alleyway next to the guild.

"As of right now, I don't see a reason we all need to stick together. I don't plan on leaving the city for at least a couple months, so we might as well get comfy," I looked to Jayde.

"'Tis fine by me. I will continue to do as I was in Tult. Xavier, you will know where to find me," Thea said with a nod before departing.

"Here," Jayde spoke, handing me a parchment of the location for her post.

"I will be working there every other day. In the off days, I will be training with a friend of my family. You are welcome to join me. It will be free of charge for you."

I pondered the offer briefly.

"Thanks. I only need to tend to the antique shop two days in the week. I should definitely have time to stop in," I replied.

I noticed a glint of what I could only describe as happiness in her eyes.

Maybe I'm just imagining it, I thought.

I nodded to Jayde and the two of us headed our separate ways. The route to the store sent me through the bustling streets, which took double the time a local probably needed.

The antique store looked ordinary on the outside. The outer walls were a dull gray much like the surrounding buildings. The only outstanding feature was the name plate above the door that read 'Vel'Nysa's Antiquities' that was decorated in a calligraphic font of gold.

Is this truly the right choice of odd job? I thought before entering.

The thought quickly vacated once I stepped inside. A fruity fragrance wafted into my nose. The interior was dimly lit, with small lanterns hung periodically along the walls with a couple small chandeliers hanging above. Shelves, display cases of varying sizes and shape seemed almost scattered about in the shop, each filled with a strange objects or vases.

Inside a display case directly in front of me was a human shaped skull that beheld an emerald and sapphire gem seated in the eye slots. As I proceeded further inside, it felt as though the gem-eyes were following me.

I was able to quickly navigate to the clerk's desk where a young human male was working. His hair was long, swooping down to cover half his face. He stood slightly hunched and appeared to be working intensely on a strange mechanical device. As I neared, he raised his head to glance at me.

"Take'a look at tha wares. If ya find sumthin' ya like, I'll give ya tha price," he stated monotonously.

"I'm actually here as an assistant. I accepted the shopkeeper's post for a helping hand," I chuckled.

"But thanks anyway."

The boy looked up from his work and seemed to size me up. He then raised his finger and walked into the back room. He had been gone for some time. So long, my eyes began to wander. The device he was messing with appeared to be a rudimentary version of a radio box. I hadn't recalled seeing any forms of electricity or conduits, nor did I see any other device of its kind. It might've been something completely different, or I discovered the first people to develop a radio.

I snapped back to a straightened position as the door opened and the boy came back.

"Lady Vel'Nysa'd like ta see ya," he spoke.

"Follow me to tha back."

Entering through the door felt like I was entering a different realm. Inside was a long hallway that stretched on forever. It didn't seem possible for such a building to have this much space. There were many doors lining either side with lights hanging on the wall intermittently.

We walked the ever-stretching hallway for about a minute before coming to a door that looked like all the others. This one, however, had a sign in scribble – unintelligible to me – that hung on the center about eye level. The boy knocked on the door and waited a moment before opening it.

The smell of potatoes struck my nose instantly as though the odor was built up waiting to explode outside the moment the door opened. There were several small tables littered with vials of varying colors and substances, scrolls and books. Books and scrolls scattered the floor and the shelves where the books presumably sat before. The boy closed the door behind me, having not entered himself.

I put my guard up in caution. While there wasn't an immediate sense of danger, it was obvious the place wasn't natural. I ventured further into the room and hung a left. There was a doorway leading into another room.

As I drew closer, the smell of potatoes grew increasingly potent. Inside was a woman with long brown hair, long ears that pointed backward, and fair skin. She didn't turn her head toward me until I reached the doorway. Her eyes shone in a surreal golden color, like the purest honey glistening in the sun. It felt like she was piercing into me with her gaze of inquiry.

"Gho tells me you accepted my post to help around the shop," she spoke elegantly.

Every word that rolled off her tongue was like a sweet nectar to my ears. She spoke in such a dignified manner that I thought she was nobility, and maybe she was. She was an elf.

"That's correct. I recently arrived in the city and figured I could use some work to keep the room I'm staying at."

She ran a finger along the side of her head, pulling a lock of hair behind her ear that had fallen loose a moment before.

"I see. I would enjoy your assistance. The pay is not high but should cover your lodging expenses I hope."

I found myself having a hard time remaining focused. The nectar of her words sent shivers across my skin and down my spine. There was no imminent physical danger I could see, but I felt the instinct to grow more alert.

"I have yet to introduce myself," she chuckled bashfully.

"I am Vel'Nysa Flivarinasoriu, a humble shopkeeper and friend of many."

My vision began pounding. Everything elongated and warped, and my balance gave way for a moment. I caught myself and leaned on the doorway.

Something's wrong, I thought.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now