Part 1

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"Ahh..." I groaned, palming my forehead.

I squinted my eyes hard and opened them. An unfamiliar place surrounded me. Blinking quickly, I looked around to see a burly man clad in iron full plate with a large sword sheathed on his back staring down at me with a snarky grin.

"Havin' some fun out here in the field are ya' now, lad?" he asked in a deep Irish-sounding accent.

"... Huh?" I asked before looking around.

It was then I realized there was a weight on my body. I looked down to see a very familiar being lying on top of me.

Oh, God. It's God, I thought.

At that moment, She stirred from Her state of unconsciousness.

A panic began to well inside me.

Did I just take God with me? Does that mean there's no more God to give the souls of the dead rest? What's She going to do to me? The thoughts kept coming in masse.

"Y – yea, haha. We were just exploring and ended up falling asleep out here," I replied.

God palmed Her forehead and groaned before looking around. It took Her a moment, but Her eyes locked with mine. At first it seemed She didn't recognize me; however, I could tell She knew immediately.

"... You have really done it now," She sighed, pushing herself off of me.

The iron-clad individual released a hearty laugh before reaching his hand out to me. I reached my own out and he pulled me to my feet with no effort, nearly causing me to stumble at his raw strength. I quickly checked my surroundings. We were standing on the edge of what must've been a village or something similar. The fields surrounding us were filled with lavender flowers. I could see people in the distance meandering about their devices.

"Thanks," I said, patting my clothing down.

I was apparently wearing a black robe that reached down to my ankles and a pair of black leather boots

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I was apparently wearing a black robe that reached down to my ankles and a pair of black leather boots. I turned around and reached my hand out to God. She daintily took it and rose to Her feet almost effortlessly. She didn't appear to have any dirt on Her person despite having been on the ground. The armor-clad man saw Her face and immediately turned away bashfully.

"Er... Wow, I didn't know you had such a pretty lass with you, lad!"

God didn't seem to care too much for his words. She sighed once more and began walking toward the village.

"Wait up!" I exclaimed, giving chase.

The man was startled at the rude gesture and proceeded to follow us. I managed to catch up to God who was walking at a very brisk pace.

"You seem a bit angry with me," I tried to joke, scratching my head.

"I am very well angry with you. You literally ripped me from the heavens and brought me here. Now my son is going to have to do all the work while I am stuck here with you. Not only that, but now that most of my powers are sealed. I am weaker than the Gods I created for you in this realm! Not only that, but the worst part of it all is the fact that I am in a near-eternal mortal body!" She furiously spoke.

"Look, I – I'm sorry, God. I don't know what happe-" I spoke, interrupted

"I know exactly what happened. You managed to reach back into the heavens when I was sending you off and because of regret and sadness you felt while alive, you decided to grab me and pull me into this world with you!"

I was certain I didn't have any sort of powers like that.

We had made it well into the little village by this point and had even reached what must've been the Chief's cottage. I glanced back to see the iron-clad man standing about ten feet behind us with his arms crossed. God was knocking on the door with force, but no one answered. After a couple moments, the man behind us cleared his throat very loudly.

"I do believe it's me you're looking for, lass. The name's Gregory Long-Iron and I'm the village chief," he said, tapping his armor with his fist.

God kept pounding the door requesting for the owner to open up until I tapped Her on the shoulder. She turned to me with an irritated look in Her eyes. I pointed in Gregory's direction, Her gaze following my arm. She took a second to react before approaching him and pointing at him from a few feet away.

God was much shorter than I thought, or maybe She shrunk on the transfer here. Gregory looked to be about six and a half feet tall, while God only looked to be about five feet. It was a bit amusing to see Her have to look almost directly up toward him.

"Gregory Long-Iron. Born in Porum, abused by your father before moving to Dracum. There, you found unrequited love and decided to settle without a spouse, eventually becoming the village chief here in Jodhpur after getting close with the previous chief, Tyrius Felltrove," God said matter-of-factly.

Gregory was taken aback. A person he had never seen before suddenly spouting information about him that few people likely knew usually did that, but this was God.

I was sure She knew everything about everyone in this world since She was the one who created it. I didn't really know how to react either, so I just stood back, awkwardly. Gregory's eyes narrowed, his stance changing to reflect a sudden shift in attitude. I didn't notice at first due to how subtle it was.

"... And how do ya' know about that, lass?" He asked, stressing the last word.

God seemed to get a bit more agitated. She had to have known why he was acting the way he was and how to deal with it, so I was confused as to why She was acting that way herself.

"Obviously because I am the one who created you, but I doubt you would know that because you shunned away the whole Caedic religion! I know everything about everyone," She spouted.

A few passersby glanced in our direction as She ranted, some of them stopping to listen. Gregory must have realized people were beginning to gather and talk in low whispers to one another, thus he eased up his posture. After God finished Her long rant, he crossed his arms and leered at her.

"Okay, if you created everyone and everythin', then tell me all about him," he said, pointing to an old man who looked to be in his fifties wearing a common tunic.

"'Tis easy. He is ... He is, ugh, what is his name again?" She asked aloud, probably to herself.

It was my turn to be taken aback. How was She able to know all this information about Gregory, but not the old guy in the now gathered crowd? God was stumped, and it was obvious to him that She wasn't who She said She was, though I knew different. Most of the village must have come out to witness the action unfolding. Gregory took a large step back and unsheathed his sword, pointing it in God's direction. Oh, shit, I thought.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now