Part 37

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Shivers flowed throughout me followed by the feeling of being electrocuted by multiple tasers. Saliva began to fall from my mouth quickly and my consciousness felt as though it was being forced back.

My entire view shifted as everything I saw receded into a circle. I felt myself being pulled farther away, the circle that was my vision shrinking.

I stopped falling away after a few seconds. I could still see, but my vision was restricted to the circle that seemed so far away. I could still hear as well, but everything sounded like it was coming from small speakers. Thea approached me and wrapped her arms around my neck before standing on her toes and placing her forehead against mine. The space all around me shifted from a blackness to a painful shade of blue.

"Go and kill the cultists," Thea ordered.

"Yes," I said, unable to control my voice.

She charmed me! I thought.

The one thing she said she wouldn't do because it was against her 'code' and she did it! I was utterly flabbergasted. I was helpless and could only watch as my body left the room, the inn, and headed toward Aurias.

Aurias, can you hear me!? I shouted.

Nothing seemed to work. Aurias turned to look at me as my body came into view. He snorted and looked at me with a questioning gaze.

"Let's go, Aurias. We got a quest to take care of," I said, untying him and climbing onto his back.

"Of course, Xavier," he replied.

We left the city after an hour of navigating traffic. Neither Aurias nor I talked the whole time. It was around ten-thirty in the morning by the time we finally reached the gates. My body turned Aurias to the East, heading off the roads.

"Where are we headed to, Xavier?" Aurias asked.

There was a long silence before my body finally answered.

"You'll find out. We need to kill some people."

"Very well. I am at your disposal, as always."

I was in despair. The feeling of having utterly no control over my actions or words was so alien to me. I knew now what Vel'Nysa must've felt like when I charmed her before. I watched as my body rode Aurias the entire day, only stopping to drink water and eat a little. We were riding a few hours into the night before Aurias questioned my actions.

"Should we not stop for you to rest, Xavier?"

"It's fine. We'll be there by tomorrow afternoon."


I felt every minute that passed while trapped inside my own mind. I couldn't do anything besides think. Think and suffer. I thought about getting revenge on Thea. I knew I couldn't. She gave me this world to live in, not to mention the fact that she's the God.

I thought about what I was going to do when I got back a lot. I knew I was going to have a talk with Her. If I couldn't do anything else, I wanted to make Her feel guilty.

Sure, She's God. But She went against her own ethical code and forced me to do something I didn't want to do! I thought angrily.

It was blasphemous that I was going to get blood on my hands for no good reason.

If the God of destruction wants to destroy, then let him. Someone, even myself, will probably stop him at some point, I thought.

There were a lot of points that I wasn't aware of. Had Thea told absolutely everything to me, and not insulted my individuality, I would've helped her with a little hesitation.

Several hours passed by, only the sounds of Aurias' breathing and footsteps disturbing the forest brush. For a while, I thought about why Thea did what She did. There had to be a reason, but I could only think about things from so many perspectives.

The best explanation I could come up with was that if Khral was summoned, he would destroy the world, Thea included. It would be a valid reason, but I didn't think it was possible to kill the God of Gods.

I think I had passed out mentally at some point. I awoke to us riding though a heavily forested area.

"I sense multiple presences about half a mile away," Aurias stated.

"How many?"


We rode for several more minutes at a relatively quick speed despite the foliage. Aurias came to a complete halt about two-hundred feet out from an inconspicuous formation of rocks.

"There are five above ground and the rest are inside some large chamber one-hundred-thirty-seven feet below."

"Thank you," my body said.

My body dismounted Aurias and proceeded on foot for the remainder. When I got within earshot of the five outside, I maneuvered to get a clear view on all of them. They were all wearing dark orange robes with a large patch on their torso of Khral. They each held swords on their hip and talked amongst one another about the summoning ritual. They didn't appear to hear me approaching.

My body withdrew my sword and casted Wind Blade. The leaves and shrubbery nearest the blade rustled. I stood up and swung the sword in a horizontal fashion, casting Wind Cut. A nearly invisible arch of wind sped through the forest.

As the wave moved, it sliced cleanly through the rock where it touched. None of the cultists saw the strike coming, as every one of them stood in shock for a second before their bodies split apart.

One was cut cleanly in half. The other four had their forearms or upper arms severed as well. The wave continued past them and into the tree line, severing trees for at least thirty feet more before dissipating.

The scariest part of it, was that the wave moved so quickly it only sounded like a gust. No later than blood spewing out of the fresh corpses did my body move. I moved in a hasty fashion into the cave, descending the brightly lit winding stone steps.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now