Part 35

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There wasn't any further meaning behind her words, but I felt bashful. It was true that I was unique, but I wasn't sure how she would react were I to tell her my and her circumstances for existing. There's not a single person that would believe me unless Thea showed them otherwise.

"Thank you. I don't really feel that amazing or unique. I just try to live," I chuckled.

"You truly are. After you showed up and began practicing your arts, I went through my archives to cross reference anyone of your caliber from the past. There are only eight recorded instances of mages possessing abilities similar to yours, but none as refined and powerful."

I had no words for the thoughts going through my head, but I thought about how everything in this world's history led up to me arriving. The strangest part about it all was that in the span of the few seconds it took Thea to create this universe, all of that time had passed. I was absolutely mind-blown, despite the fact that I knew time was irrelevant when you were dead.

"I guess God really favored me, haha."

That's an understatement, I mused.

"Indeed. Will you tell me about your Tarboleth?" She asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Are you fine with me telling her about you?" I asked Aurias telepathically.

"Of course, Xavier."

I got up and grabbed an empty mug of my own. After sitting down, I created water and filled up the mug before taking several gulps.

"My Tarboleth is named Aurias. I don't know too many more specifics about him, but I know he's a real robot when it comes to speaking."

"What is a robot?"

"Oh, sorry. It's a word for something that operates very logically and mechanically."

She mouthed an 'oh'.

"Anyway, Aurias is able to alert me to various presences, magical and not upwards of a mile. I'm not sure what else he can do, as he said every reincarnation finds out their abilities each time."

"Are you able to communicate with him?" she asked, writing down what I told her into the book on the table.

"Yea. He's able to talk to me via telepathy. He's also able to teleport me to the Ethereal plane."

"It requires an immense amount of power to do that," she gasped.

"I figured. I apologize, but I need to get some sleep. We can discuss things this weekend when I return to train," I said, rubbing a hand on the side of my head.

"You have no need to apologize, Xavier. I appreciate you providing me all of this knowledge. I shall see you later," she said, getting out of her chair and departing the inn.

I returned to the room and opened the door quietly as to not even disturb a mouse. I waited a couple moments after entering to allow my eyes to readjust in the darkness Thea's still sleeping body was in my bed, hugging my pillow with Her hair strewn all about.

Man, that's cute, I thought.

Jayde was sleeping stiffly, laying perfectly straight on her back. I wondered how anyone could do that. Being a gentleman, I opted to take the only vacant bed in the room and went to sleep.

Later that morning when I awoke, it was to Thea leaning over me pouting and poking my cheek. I furrowed my brows and sat up, rubbing the crust from the corner of my eyes. She knelt down in front of me and placed Her hands on my thighs. I felt the warmth from Her hands transfer to me.

"I need your help, Xavier," She stated in a serious tone.

"This is a bit of an awkward way to ask for it, don't you think?" I asked tiredly, looking down at Her hands.

She slowly removed them, dragging them down along my legs before standing up.

"You're a man, so I appealed to your normal urges," a hint of mockery pervading Her words.

After so long of being on Her own program, this is strange, I thought.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now