Part 17

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Once greetings were out of the way, we departed behind Gillfreid's wagon.

"This horse is rather interesting," Thea said from behind me.

I glanced back to see Her peeking through the wagon curtain at Aurias and I.

"He's definitely unique. Would you believe he's magical?" I asked half-serious.

"Of course. 'Tis his name?"


As soon as I spoke his name, Her eyes glazed over and She went into an almost trance-like state, but it only lasted a second. She knew something I didn't. I could tell by the concerned look she gave me.

A large part of me wanted to ask what, but the other part of me – the part that said I wouldn't want to know – won out. I let out a 'hm' and turned toward the road in front of us.

The scenery changed from open roads to scattered trees all around. I didn't recall us actually entering a forest, so I must've zoned out at some point. The trees were thick with foliage blocking a lot of the view into the forest. It was a prime place to ambush a group of people.

Fortunately, nothing happened at that point. We came to a resting spot just off the side of the road before the sun set. The days and nights were still fairly cool, so we didn't make a campfire.

During the night, we had one person on watch at all times. Jayde took the first shift, then myself and finally Thea. We kept that same rotation every night so that Jayde and I would be awake and ready to react.

Oddly enough, nothing happened for a long while.

"Forest stretches on for days yet," Gillfreid commented one day.

He wasn't kidding. We were still in the thick of it two weeks later. Sometimes the road opened up to a kind of rest-stop meant for sizeable convoys, and occasionally we'd pass another peddler, or a group resting off to the side. It was obvious the threat along the roads were no joke, as every group had at least two armed guards.

The days felt like they dragged on after a while. I had already gone an extended period of time without running any sort of tests or practice, so I was getting antsy.

Unfortunately, we encountered a group of bandits near the evening one day. I was certain we were nearing the exit to the forest by that point. Our encounter began before anything even happened.

"Xavier, I sense multiple hostile presences about a mile ahead," Aurias said.

"You're sure?"


"Gillfreid, slow down!" I bellowed.

"What is the matter?" he asked, pulling his wagon beside our as we moved at a trot.

"I believe our luck has run out," I pointed further up the road, where it bent out of sight.

"We'll take the lead, so trail about thirty feet or so behind."

Jayde looked at me questioningly at first, but when she saw the seriousness painted on my features, she adjusted herself.

"How many in total, and how long until we reach them?" I asked Aurias.

"I sense twelve. We have ten minutes at the pace we are going."

"Good. Thea, I want you to stay hidden. These guys might have archers, so it's best if you lay low. Gillfreid, you get into the back of your wagon as well, give Jayde the reins!"

As we inevitably curved around the bend in the road, three individuals were immediately visible standing in the center of it.

It was hard to tell what they looked like and what they were wearing at first. Two of the three had leather armor with short swords drawn and at the ready. The other guy had a mix-match of leather and chainmail. He had a larger sword sheathed at his side.

There was a lingering hope these guys weren't going to attack us outright. When we got within sixty feet or so, we slowed to a stop.

"May I help you?" I asked casually.

"Yeah, you can. We need to inspect your gear. Governor's orders," the man with the mix-matched armor said.

"Hm ... I'm actually going to have to decline the offer, then. We're actually on our way to see the governor with his private collection right now. I know he's expecting us, so I can't help but feel like you're trying to swindle me. Those swords do look mighty threatening!" I spoke half-jokingly.

I saw the greedy glint in their eyes at the mention of precious cargo.

"Aurias, where are the hidden people?"

"There are five to the left, about twenty feet apart, two up high. Four on the right, all close together."

"Well, what a lucky coincidence. I guess I have no choice but to drop the façade. Hand over the cargo and you will be spared your lives," he threatened.

"Sir, I'd really like to avoid a fight, but I can't give up this cargo. Plus, I really don't want to kill you. I have a feeling you're going to make this hard for me, though," I stated, returning a threat of my own.

I let go of Aurias' reins and glanced around. We were outnumbered by a far margin, and I didn't have too much faith in Jayde's capabilities yet. She might've been able to fight off one, two guys at the most, but she'd likely go down quickly.

If there were two guys on the left in elevated positions, I had to assume they were archers.

"Unless you have a small army in the back there, I'd like to think you're severely outnumbered," he scoffed.

"This may be true, but I have a trick up my sleeve!" I exclaimed, standing up.

Adrenaline began to pump through my body as I realized how dangerous the situation really was. Everyone drew their weapons, thinking I had something in my hands.

"No weapons here, friends ... I'd like to show you a magic trick."

"I'm tired of your antics already. Seize the wagons!"

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now