Part 30

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"The marriages failed every time. Often times, it was due to my father finding issue with the suitor or finding a family that offered a better position."

She paused as a set of footsteps approached the door but continued on.

"That doesn't sound like a pleasant childhood," I remarked.

"It wasn't. My father beat me whenever he wanted, and most of the suitors were men twice, sometimes thrice my age or more. I simply had no say in what my life was going to be."

"I'm sure there was no rhyme nor reason as to why he beat me, anyway. My mother was mean, as well. She treated me cruelly whenever I failed to maintain the strict standards they held me to."

Her pursed lips and intent stare at the wall as she spoke told me how vivid those memories were. Her features softened and the edge of her lip curled into the beginning of a smile.

"The only peace and joy I could get was when I snuck away to meet Preston," she trailed off in thought.

"Who's that?"

"He was the child of another noble family. I never did learn his last name. The two of us would go with his personal trainer and be taught swordplay and spar. I honestly felt the freest being able to clash blades."

I grabbed an empty cup off the nearby table and filled it with my magical water and sipped.

"Did his trainer not care?" I asked.

"No," she shook her head slightly.

"He was grateful to have someone who cared just as much about the way of the sword as he did. He trained the two of us and made us spar many, many times."

Her face contorted a little in dissatisfaction.

"However, there were long periods in which I couldn't visit him. Usually it was because my parents beat into me after getting caught leaving or returning."

"Still, when I did meet him again, his trainer was plenty happy to backtrack and help keep my body in tune with the blade."

I chuckled softly. It was understandable.

"After some time, we got close as normal and eventually partook in what my parents called 'debauchery'. They found out a few months later and sure enough I was beaten well within an inch of my life. I'm sure you saw the scars all over my back."

I nodded wordlessly.

"I never did hear from him again following that incident. I'm certain my parents killed him or unseated their family and sent them away for taking my chastity," she scoffed.

"What makes you think that?"

"I snuck out one day and went to his home only to find an empty building with not a soul in sight."

She went silent for a while. The only sounds were the constant tumult of the people outside. When she finally spoke again, her tone was solemn.

"The thoughts that ran through my mind kept me bed ridden for a while. At no point did my parents stop berating and treating me like I was a broken toy. I considered diving out the fourth story window of our manor, and nearly did it, too."

"I'm sure it was hard dealing with the unknown," I consoled.

A tear rolled down her face as she fought back the floodgates. She nodded, looking toward the floor.

"I was stopped, of course. Then tortured for it. Even when suitors came, none of them seemed to care what happened to me. It was like my pain and suffering didn't exist in their worlds no matter what I said or did," another tear ran down.

As awkward as I felt in the situation, I knew I needed to do something. I set the cup on the floor and moved just a few inches closer and gently pulled her head closer to my chest.

Like it was a set stage in which she was meant to, the tears burst forward akin to a broken dam. Jayde cried into my shoulder for some time. I stroked her head silently as her muffled sounds went on and she gripped my robes tightly.

It must've been hard for you, I thought.

I felt a sort of kinship with her, after traveling together for a while and her opening like that. Through the natural course of time's passage, her cries subsided and her grip on my robes loosened until she finally pulled away, red-faced with bloodshot eyes.

"I'm sorry for showing you such a terrible state," she looked toward the floor as a final tear followed the paths of the others before falling onto the back of her hand.

"There's no reason for you to feel sorry. We both showed a pretty embarrassing side of ourselves," I gave a slight chuckle.

She sniffled and blinked a few times before looking to me.

"Still, when I got the chance, I left home and tried to find my own way. I was on my own for most of a year doing odd jobs here and there before I encountered those goblins ... and you."

Her raspy voice was accentuated by a resolute tone.

"I will say it again. I owe you my life. You should not hesitate to use me as you need should we find ourselves in a dire situation," the fierce look in her eyes told me how sincere she was.

"I appreciate the sentiment, truly, but I don't see you as a tool," I smiled.

It was hard to tell because her face was already reddened, but it became as bright as an apple.

"I care about you as a person, and you're not someone I would simply throw away."

Jayde looked away bashfully.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now