Part 31

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While I didn't feel any romantic feelings toward her, I felt like she was developing some for me. One simply doesn't open about their traumatic past to a stranger.

It felt as though we reached a natural conclusion to our initial conversation, so I changed topics.

"Would you like to join me in my practices?" I asked.

Her eyes turned to me quizzically at first as she was taken off guard.

"I would like that," she mumbled with a subtle nod.

With that, the following weekend she joined me in my training room. I wasn't sure how Vel'Nysa would take my decision. In the end, it turned out she was fine.

"As long as she does not touch or break anything," she told me.

Jayde was excited and filled with awe when she saw me doing all my usual spells during practice. It made me feel a sense of pride and accomplishment even though I knew that these powers were given to me.

Even before Jayde joined me, I had Vel'Nysa watching and asking frequent questions such as:

"How do you facilitate the actuation of particles for that spell?"

"In what manner are you directing the flow of magic through your body?"

Time and again I'd tell her I didn't know. It's not like I studied any of it. Occasionally she'd try to copy me and cast spells, but it usually didn't work for her. She was able to cast a firebolt after about a hundred tries though. It was amusing to see her concentrating so hard only to make a small puff of smoke up until that point.

Vel'Nysa pretty much followed me to the training room the moment I showed up. I never actually helped in the shop.

"'Tis fine that you don't. Better, actually. You are providing valuable data for my own studies. I will be sure to compensate you greatly as well," she said.

I was pleasantly surprised, because not only did I have rent covered for the inn, I was given two gold in advance for my assistance in other ways. As I had come to find out, two gold is an exuberant amount of money.

It was blatant Vel'Nysa had taken an interest in me, but for a scientifically reason rather than a romantic one. I was plenty content as I truly felt dealing with Jayde's growing attraction was a handful in its own right.

After heavy thinking, I resolved to make sure I didn't catch feelings for Jayde unless I was comfortable with my standing in this world. It would be devastating if to let myself fall for her and have her die in some unjust, terrible way. I wasn't sure how I'd continue in that scenario.

Thankfully, this world ran on a seven-day week along with twenty-four-hour days just like my old life. It made it easy to keep track of everything, as anyone could imagine. On the last Friday of the second month I found trouble, or rather, trouble found me as usual.

"Xavier, there is someone approaching the city," Aurias stated.

I sat up from my recent position change – being sent to the ground during a sparring match.

"I'm not following. There are always people coming and going," I replied, hoisting myself to my feet and thanking the mercenary for the match.

"I appreciate your humor, Xavier. However, I am trying to alert you in a timely fashion as you requested."

"I wasn't really being funny, but what's going on?"

The humidity was at maximum today, so the heat didn't feel too good. Simply stepping outside made me break out into a sweat instantly. I think the robes Thea gave me when sending me to this world were some sort of artifact, because I felt cool except for my face and feet. It was an odd combination. I did feel the heat when I doffed my robes to put on the armor for training.

"No. I sense the presence of another Tarboleth. He surely knows of my location and has notified his rider as well."

"Oh, shit," I muttered verbally and mentally.

"I know not of who their rider is, nor of their power. I advise we approach the situation cautiously."

"You don't need to tell me twice. Can you sense where they're at?"

"Not yet. The city is large and there are a lot of magical presences. Once they get within a mile of us, I should be able to identify exact location."

"Good," I said, wiping my brow of sweat.

"However, the contrary is also true. They will know my exact location as well."

Figured as much, I thought.

"We should figure out a way to make this encounter as peaceful as possible. I really don't want to fight in the city or anywhere near it. This guy might not have the same idea."

"I agree. May I propose an idea?"

"Of course, Aurias! You're welcome to have your own opinion. I consider you a friend, not a tool."

"... I appreciate the sentiment, Xavier. My idea is thus: I attempt to overwhelm the power of my fellow Tarboleth and transport the four of us into the Ethereal plane. Any damages done inside will not transmit outside. Except for harm to whoever is there."

"Man, if you were a good idea fairy, your ideas would be really good," I laughed.

"How close do you have to be?"

"Within a mile."

"Okay. I'll head back now and prepare," I said, grabbing my robe and hastily tossing it over my armor.

I took off the sword the trainers provided me and equipped my own blade, then quickly made my way back to the inn. Jayde saw me leaving and made her own rush to meet me, leaving her sparring partner confused. She caught up to me in no time, her breath labored.

"What's going on?" she asked, looking at me as I stared ahead.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now