Part 64

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I flicked my palms facing outward, brought my left arm back, and then launched it forward. A concussive wave pulsed from my hand toward Loht. The wave wasn't large, but it was big enough to stagger her when it slammed into her front right leg. ­­The wave was easily visible from all the dust and small debris it kicked up.

Using the extra moment gained from my attack, I drew my sword, casting Airblade at the same time. Loht recovered and continued her assault toward me. She was maybe sixty feet from me, but her size made it feel significantly shorter. I swung my blade while casting Windcarver.

A sharp wave of condensed air flew outward toward her. Part of the wave sliced through the ground like butter on its way, and upon connecting, the wave cut through several of the scales under her neck, as well as damaging her wings. She didn't slow down, and only seemed to grow angrier as a low, rumbling sound emanated from her throat.

I casted Blink just as she slammed her massive jaws where I had been. I placed myself outside of the cave slightly higher on the hill where her head stuck out. Due to her momentum, Loht continued outside the cave many feet before slowing down and turning toward me. I continued to use her lagged movements to my advantage and casted Jump, launching myself forty feet into the air and sliced several times in diagonal motions at her.

She attempted to evade, but her injuries prevented her from doing so. The first strike sliced right through her left wing, creating a massive cut in it. The second, third and fourth cuts drove into the roots of her wings and the center of her back.

Large amounts of blood spewed out as her wings were rendered completely useless. The scales on her back were extremely tough and were only partially damaged. Loht released a roar louder than any I heard before.

I covered my ears, but it was like being next to a jet engine. My hearing dulled significantly, and when we made eye contact, she looked like an angry, cornered animal, as well as a mother willing to do anything to protect her young. When she opened her mouth and the yellowish red light of her fire breath began to rise from the back of her throat, I Blinked once more, this time onto her back.

I made sure Jayde and Aurias had evacuated the immediate area. Jayde was upon Aurias' back while he galloped away at a high speed. I gripped onto one of the small spikes protruding from Loht's back as she twisted around, exhaling an immense volume of flames. She tried to crane her head to spew it onto herself, but she was unsuccessful.

She twisted and contorted wildly causing me to lose my grip as blood spewed all over her and in between my hand and her back. I flew off, and before I could react, one of her wings slammed into me. I felt the air ripped from my lungs as I was sent flying away from her. It felt almost the same as when I was struck by the car that killed me.

My vision blurred and my consciousness faltered for a split second. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground with fire burning all around me.

Loht's breath had subsided, thankfully. When she saw me lying on the ground, she launched herself in a desperate attempt to end my life. However, the hole in her leg caused that leg to give out, and instead, she topped toward me, her huge front claw outstretched. I reached out one hand, and shouted to stop right as it was to reach me. To my utter bewilderment, it worked.

A red outline appeared around her body with her frozen in place. I exhaled forcefully when I realized I had been holding my breath. Her claw was a mere foot from me when she froze. I scrambled to my feet, keeping my hand outstretched.

I didn't know if that kept the spell active, but I wasn't about to find out. Loht breathed heavily, blowing out several of the fires around her and flapping my robes. I swallowed heavily before approaching her head. I could see the pure rage in her eyes, but I also saw something else ... fear. Beneath the hatred obvious to anyone, I could see, and even sense, the fear in her. I hesitated to kill her.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now