Part 56

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Who was I, but a normal human being? I knew Jayde had feelings for me, and I wanted to reciprocate, but I forced myself to push those feelings away. The instant I laid eyes on Thea when I died, I knew I wanted Her. It was probably just the carnal desire to crave that which I could not have. A treasure so far out of grasp, yet within eyeshot. Someone who could do anything.

"I want to experience life here to the fullest," I finally spoke.

Her eyes bored into my soul, searching for the truthfulness to my words. I hadn't lied, but it wasn't what I desired the most. I refused to tell Her that, as I didn't want to feel the sting of rejection. Nobody in their right mind did.

"There are things in motion beyond your current comprehension, and these things threaten the very existence of everything," She stated plainly, staring into my eyes.

"I need to know if you are willing to help me, no matter the cost. I can promise you whatever you desire the most, so should a life here be as such, I will happily grant that."

You'll promise me what I desire the most? I wish that were the case, I thought.

"However, I need you to assist me. This endeavor goes far beyond what the original intention of this universe was made for. What I ask of you is no small feat, but the first step is to stop Khral. I may have immeasurable power still, but that does not stop me from dying in my current state."

I tasted blood in my mouth. I hadn't realized it, but I was biting the inside of my cheek aggressively.

"So ... is it something that affects my old universe as well?" I asked.

"It affects every universe ever created."

I looked at Her in partial disbelief.

"How do you mean?"

"Something happened at the time when I sent you here. I am unsure as to exactly what it was, but I was forcefully shunted from my position into the nearest universe. It just so happened to be yours. Whatever 'tis happening, 'tis been going on for a very long time and somehow gone under my notice."

I placed my tongue in check. I didn't think a joke would've been very appropriate given the atmosphere.

"Then, how do we go about stopping this unforeseen force or enemy?"

"You need to ascend to godhood," She said bluntly.

Oh ... that's not what I had imagined, I thought.

I would have never imagined, nor could I, that I would be placed in the center of a string of events that affected the existence of every single universe. It was inconceivable by every means, but here I was now, in that very position. I composed myself as best I could.

"That's not really a small feat, given the criteria you made for this world," I pointed out.

"'Tis true, but it is significantly easier than your old universe," She also pointed out.

I sighed outwardly.

"How do I go about doing this, then?"

"Continue as you are, just as I. I plan on departing far from here for what may seem like a long time for you but is not even a blip for me. I needed to find out your position before leaving, as my chances of fixing this problem would be unimaginably more difficult."

I wasn't sure how to react to Her words, but I did fire back as I felt an anger well in me.

"You probably would've just controlled me like before," I said accusingly.

A regretful smile shone on her face.

"'Tis also true. I know you view me as a hypocrite even now. I told you one thing, while doing the exact opposite. To that end, I cannot convey how apologetic I am. I am, however, certain that should I have resorted to such actions, you would have come to forgive me once you learned what you do now," She spoke solemnly.

"You know, we humans tend to hold grudges, so I wouldn't be too sure of that, unless you forced me to feel a certain way as well," I mocked.

Her smile became more sorrowful as she stood up.

"'Tis true as well ... now, I must be off. I trust I will see you in the coming time, Xavier Banks."

As soon as I stood up, She moved in and wrapped Her arms around me tightly. Her smell was intoxicating. I wrapped my arms around Her and we hugged for what felt like an eternity. When She finally let go, She nodded and departed the room, closing the door behind Her.

That familiar, immense sense of regret from when I first came to this world slammed in my chest. I opened the door back up to call out to Her, but She had disappeared. I went downstairs and outside in search of Her, but She was gone.

I kept searching for several minutes after but gave up knowing She must've used some sort of spell or ability to transport Herself. I returned to my room and tried to go to sleep. The true magnitude of her words dawned on me. I now had part in something bigger than any single individual, God included. It made me feel worried, happy, scared, and all the emotions in between. I did not sleep well that night.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now