Part 38

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It seemed like the cave was meticulously carved out over years. After descending for a while, I came to the entrance of a large chamber. My body froze for a moment. It seemed that Thea's information was delayed just enough. In the center of the chamber was a half-formed, orange glowing titan of a being. It looked like a creature out of the Christian book of demons, with the exception of it being at least forty feet tall and ten feet wide. Its lower half was missing as well.

At first, I went unnoticed, but the avatar of Khral turned toward me.

"I smell the scent of Theasol'," his voice boomed.

His words clawed at my ears. It sounded like a dying pig mixed with the growl of a crocodile or lion. The remaining cultists turned toward me, immediately drawing their swords.

Taking the offensive, my body casted Wind Cut several times at Khral, but they dissipated into nothing upon touching his semi-transparent body.

I swear to God, if Thea gets me killed, I thought.

Even being trapped in my mind, my body began to sweat at the sight of the God.

The cultists charged at me. I quickly dispatched them with a few Wind Cuts, but a couple kept toward me without being cut down. The remaining two stepped over the bodies of their brethren and through the pools of blood that quickly accumulated. I casted Wind Cut a few more times before realizing it exploded around them, cutting into the stone nearby.

My body then casted Palm Fire with a free hand, sending out waves of intense heat and flame. I watched in suspended disbelief as the two cultists began emerging from the top of the flames unscathed.

My body quickly halted the spell and ran back up the stairs as quickly as possible. It turned around to see the cultists following closely. I felt mental shivers run down my spine as I could only watch the dangerous situation unfold. My body exited the cave, turned around and casted Palm Water. Waves of water shot out forcefully from my palm in a narrow cone. The cultists were easily knocked back onto their rears and forced back down the stairs.

My body must've realized I couldn't beat them and quickly returned to Aurias.

"I still sense the presences of two, Xavier. Are you leaving them?"


My body turned Aurias around and he hastily departed the area. We rode the entire day and a half back without stopping. Once again, I passed out from mental exhaustion.

I woke up, still stuck in my mind for the remainder of time it took us to finally return to the inn. My body tied up Aurias and made its way back to the room where Thea sat on Her bed, looking at both hands clasped together on Her lap.

"I was too late," I said.

"... I know," She said solemnly.

"Return to me, Xavier," She whispered.

I felt myself being pulled toward the small circle of view. It was slow at first, then sped up exponentially until I my view was back to normal. I blinked several times and squeezed my fist a few as well. It felt weird being in control of my own body again.

I glared at Thea. I wasn't sure what to say, or how to say it. Had I even gone there after She asked, I would've still been too late, so the result would've been the same. A long drawn out silence ensued while I thought about how I wanted to word what I wanted to say.

"Why?" My voice cracked.

Am I about to cry right now? I asked myself.

I felt blood rushing to my face and my eyelids tensing up. I blinked several times in attempts to hold back tears. She jerked visibly despite my soft tone. Thea twisted Her thumbs around each other. It looked like She was taking time to piece Her own words together.

"... I couldn't let Khral take form. He knows I'm currently in this planar existence. All of the Gods and Goddesses do. I've tried communing with them on several occasions, however, there is some connection as strong as my own blocking it."

She looked like she might've been on the verge of crying herself despite her voice being so calm.

"Now that he is on this plane, he is going to come for me. 'Tis the perfect opportunity for him to end my existence."

"You're the God of Gods, how can you be killed?" I asked.

The tears had abated and the blood rushing to my face ceased. I felt a calming effect washing over me. I didn't know if it was of my own volition or Thea's doing.

"While I can have avatars of myself exist, it is unheard of that I would take material form anywhere. The sheer fact that I am here with a physical body, physical needs and human emotions means there is something awry with the entire network of universes. Something I was unable to see growing and spreading."

Now that I had calmed down almost completely, I felt significantly more clearheaded. Every negative emotion I was feeling toward her disappeared like magic, but it felt like my own doing.

"If the other Gods and Goddesses know you're here, then why don't they try to help?"

"Khral is likely blocking them from interfering. It is imperative that we destroy his avatar before he kills me and absorbs my essence. I am a human just as you right now. The only difference lies in my power protecting certain facets of myself."

I sat next to Her and took a deep breath. I wrapped an arm around Her shoulders and pointed toward the opposite side of the room. She tensed up for a brief moment when my hand made contact with Her soft skin. She looked at me as I made the most confident face I could muster.

"Nobody shall stop me, the protector of God. Her knight in shining armor. Her prince of princes!" I exclaimed in a mock voice of justice.

I glanced at Her. There was a dumbfounded look on Her face. It seemed me being out of character was really shocking, so I kept going with the cheesiness.

"One day, when I have vanquished all the evils of this world and all the universes, I shall take your hand in matrimony to forever protect everything!"

An awkward silence ensued. I looked at Thea once more. She had Her trademark gentle smile on. Her eyes changed from their original beautiful green color to a shade of light blue. Then, She leaned Her head against my neck. Her silky hair brushing against me and falling all around.

"Of course, my prince," She said in a silvery voice.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now