Part 36

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It didn't help that my heart skipped a beat the second She started teasing me, or even said anything to me for that matter. It was a reaction I had very little control over. I felt blessed that I wasn't as weak-willed as others that interact with Her.

"Maybe you could appeal to my normal urges of asking like a normal person," I quipped.

"You are a bad sport sometimes. A little teasing always does one good, trust me," She said, standing up.

"You're one to talk. You got mad the other day when I teased you," I laughed as I got up.

I put on my boots, robe, and sword. I looked around the room; it appeared that Jayde had already departed for training. I lied to Vel'Nysa when I told her I had things to take care of. Or rather, I did until Thea came to me with this odd request.

"Anyway, what do you need help with?" I asked.

She clasped her hands together behind her back and looked up at me with a sweet and innocent look. I swore I could see an aura emanating around Her, too. Once again, my body reacted to Her words and appearance.

"I need your assistance in wiping out a cultist's refuge."


A moment passed as the words processed through my mind. She never left her pose. Likely because She saw my reaction coming.

"Wait, what?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

"I need you to eliminate a refuge of cultists," She repeated.

"Why does God want me to kill people? Aren't you supposed to like – not want people to die?" The bewilderment in my voice was obvious.

She finally stood normally. Her face became deadpan and She stared directly into my eyes. I could see Ser eyes changing color in a subtle fashion. They dawned a more reddish hue.

"I may not wish death upon most, but in my interest, 'tis required. Through my network of disciples, I came to find out that this group of cultists is attempting to summon an avatar of Khral."

She pursed her lips a little.

"Khral is the God of destruction for this world. He is a lecherous and conniving bastard of a God. His title implies what he does."

"I'm gonna be honest. I don't really feel like I'm up to the challenge of fighting a God. I barely survived fighting another mage," I said in exasperation

My words held truth behind them. I didn't want to fight anything out of my league. It was probably a fear of dying, but I've died twice already. I felt like maybe after dying a few times one would get used to the feeling, or at least be accustomed to it.

"That is why you need to kill them before they summon it."

"Hm ... why do you have a distaste for him, anyway? How is it in your interest to stop him from being summoned, didn't you create him? Besides, if he's following his purpose, then realistically, won't someone else stop him?"

Thea pursed her lips more.

"I guess you deserve answers to those questions. During his reign for the last two billion years, he progressively became more and more aggressive. At one point he killed three Goddesses after being rejected when trying to marry them. The power he acquired from their essences allowed him to subdue several other Gods and Goddesses. This world had humanity finally beginning to thrive when he nearly annihilated everything," She paused to breathe.

"My hand was forced in order to preserve balance so that when you came into this world, there was actually something for you and I wouldn't have to start over. Khral despised me for it and pledged that he would not only destroy this world, but kill the rest of the Gods and Goddesses before coming after me."

I waited to be sure she was finished talking before I asked some more.

"Couldn't you have just willed him into subservience, or outright changed how he was as a God on the fundamental level? He sounds like a normal jealous guy."

"I create everyone, deities included, to have the ability to freely choose their actions. 'Tis true that I created the Gods' base personalities, but I gave them free reign to change or act differently. Forcing him into subservience is against my own ethical codes, though I do not act if they do force others."

"Sounds like a really flimsy excuse to me," I mocked.

Thea didn't seem to take too kindly to my jab.

"If you had not somehow pulled me into this universe with you, I would not have to deal with this issue!" she exclaimed, her voice filling with anger.

"You would have been on your way 'being the hero' and I would be focusing on the infinite amounts of souls that are in the afterlife. You are not so special that I should be here, focusing on such small and trivial matters. You are insignificant in the grand scheme of everything I do!"

I felt a tinge of pain in my chest from her words, which grew into a wave. It may have been true that I was insignificant compared to everything else, especially with all the information she'd told me until now, but it didn't hurt any less.

"Ouch. I know it's true, but why are you losing your temper at me, shouldn't you be all-loving and everything?" I shot back in my own rising anger.

"I am, but this is important to everyone, including myself. You cannot genuinely think that I do not do things without reason!"

"It doesn't matter. It's like you said, I am an individual and have my own free will. What if I don't want to fight those cultists? What if I want Khral to be summoned? As an individual, my existence might be infinitesimally small on your scale, but to mine, it's all I have. The only way I'm going to help you is if you force me to," I spat back.

I didn't know what came over me. I felt my blood pressure rise and my anger toward her escalate rapidly. Words can hurt just as much as action, I was finding out firsthand. There was a long, drawn out silence between us.

We stared each other down for what felt like minutes. Her eyes shifted into a dark red hue. Her hair seemed to change color as well. I saw her position shift ever so slightly. It was the only sound created within the room.

Her face slowly changed from one of anger to one of disconcertion.

"I'm sorry," she said, sadness filling her voice.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now