Part 55

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When his next attack hit the shield, the fireballs erupted in a large flaming explosion that rose up several feet and out to the sides of my shield. I felt the immense heat from the blast, causing a light sweat to cover my face. When the fire disappeared, I couldn't see anyways because of the steam that clouded my vision, but the shield looked to be intact. Even Oren appeared surprised.

"That was quite the attack!" I complimented.

"It was one of my more powerful spells. I am amazed that a human possesses so much magical essence and spellcasting ability," he replied.

"I'm sure normally people are blown away – literally – by your magical prowess," I chuckled.

"Now, then. Hit me with a constant wave of fire. I need you to use every ounce of power you can. Attack me as though your life depends on it. I know mine surely will when I face those dragons!" I steeled myself behind the shield, having replenished its lost durability.

Oren closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

"I truly am in awe at your resolve, Xavier. I have a feeling you will be the saving grace for this kingdom," Oren smiled as he, too, prepared himself.

With a quickness he raised both arms above his head, and in a single short chant, he flung them downward and outstretched them toward me. An orange light shone for a mere moment before an intense, deep orange blaze raged across the field toward me.

What amazing heat, I thought.

The flames rolled against the shield and exploded upward while the rest of it exploded outward, rolling around the shield as I had predicted. I was safe behind my defense so long as I kept it up.

The waves of flame kept going with an intensity I had never seen for what felt like forever. The heat grew stronger and stronger, and I realized it was due to the flames evaporating the water quicker than I could replenish it using my PhysX variant. As soon as the water shield evaporated, I erected a barrier of ice using pure magic several feet thick that rose even higher than the water shield. The coolness of the ice stopped me from sweating as profusely even as the wave of fire bashed against it and exploded in a similar fashion.

 The coolness of the ice stopped me from sweating as profusely even as the wave of fire bashed against it and exploded in a similar fashion

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Soon after, the flames died down and stopped altogether. I walked around to examine the damage. The flames had melted half of the ice shield and scorched the area in a cone at least fifty feet wide to blackened char, the area behind my shields withstanding.

I glanced at Oren and smiled.

"That was quite the power. I think I would've been actual toast if I didn't think this much into it," I said, walking over to him.

Oren had collapsed onto one knee with labored breathing while sweating profusely. Even down low, he was near my standing height. I reached out a hand, which he took, and slowly stood back up after a few moments.

"You have such talent for the magics," he complimented.

"I wouldn't say talent," I chuckled, scratching the back of my head slightly.

"Anyway, that last attack was extremely intense. Do you think it was even close to what the dragon will hit me with?" I inquired.

"I have naught a clue. Were he to attack similar as I, I believe it would be dozens of magnitudes stronger."

"I see. Still, I'm grateful for your assistance. I think I will continue training some more. Do you need me to help you out?"

Oren shook his head.

"I think I am able to walk fine. I will need to rest a couple days, however."

I nodded with a small smile. Once Oren departed, I got to work on refining the control I used during casting. Over the course of a few hours, I was quickly able to increase the output of power used, provided I inject more magical energy. It seemed using physics imposed a limit normally, but I could amplify what I did have by using magic.

Throttling seemed to be an issue I encountered. Whatever power I normally used when casting appeared to be my base. In the end, I was only half successful. I exited the pocket dimension and blinked back to my inn room.

I looked outside the window to see the setting sun. I felt I had a pretty productive day. I heard a knock on my door several minutes later as I was in the bathroom.

"One moment!" I shouted, flushing the toilet.

I opened the door to Thea, dressed in Her same pinkish gown. The thing never seemed to get dirty. My heart skipped a beat as it always did when I saw Her for the first time in a day. It wasn't something I could control, or maybe it was, but I wasn't sure how.

Gotta ask Her about that later, I thought.

"May I come in?" She asked politely.

I could tell something was on Her mind.

"Of course, what's up?" I asked, moving out of the way and closing the door behind Her.

She sat on my bed.

"I'd like to ask you some questions," She said plainly.

I nodded, pulling up a stool to sit across from Her. Her eyes stared into mine, searching for something.

"What is your end goal?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" the confusion on my face was apparent.

"Your end goal. I understand the basis was to become the hero of your own world, but I have a sense you feel differently."

I thought about Her words for several moments. Sure, the original goal was to become the hero, but I also wanted to experience everything I could, and live a life I didn't get to have originally. I wanted to get married and have a family of my own. I wanted to have kids, I wanted to start an entirely new life here.

At the same time, I wanted to amass as much power as I could and see what it was like to own my own kingdom. I looked into Her iridescent, beautiful green eyes.

I want you, I said to myself without even thinking.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now