Part 67

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I wasn't sure I followed. Sure, I may have saved her. Sure, she may have followed me this far, however, there wasn't much more she needed to do. I knew she wasn't going to be able to help too much when I fought Loht, though having her nearby brought a bit of comfort. I couldn't help but sigh loudly.

"Does my presence pose a problem for you?" pain tinged her words.

"Ah, n – not particularly. It's just that you've done more than your part, and the enemies I'll be facing will be more and more challenging and difficult," I started.

"- You're saying I'm too weak to protect you, then," she interjected, furrowing her brows.

Shit, I thought.

She hit the nail right on the head. I was trying to beat around the bush and encourage her to disappear, but all I happened to do now was make her feel bad. I had to stop Khral. To do that, I needed power. I needed help. The issue was, she was far too weak to fight the avatar of a God.

"Your silence says it all," she spoke dejectedly.

I hadn't realized I was silent for so long. We looked at one another for a long while. It felt as though she was trying to determine if I was joking. It was clear I was not. She inhaled sharply before exhaling slowly.

"Fine," she said, her bottom lip quivering slightly.

She turned from me and began to walk away. I reached out to grab her shoulder, but missed by a few inches. I tried to call out, but my voice caught in my throat.

Why? I asked myself.

I hadn't intended for the conversation to turn out as such, but it seemed fate ordained it so. Jayde slowed her pace before stopping altogether around thirty feet from me. When she turned, I saw the tears flowing from her eyes freely. It stung my heart. Though her shoulders trembled visibly, she appeared to be holding in the brunt of her emotions.

"When I come back...," She started.

"When I come back, I'll be just as powerful as you, if not more. I'll make you regret your words, Xavier!" she exclaimed, turning her back on me once more and walking back toward the hamlet.

I was stunned.

Is this really how things are meant to turn out?

If this was indeed the case, well, I had no choice but to accept. I was certain it would hurt her more if I tried to get her to stay. I looked to Aurias, speaking aloud to him for the first time in a while.

"Will you accompany her on her journey, then?" I asked.

There was a long silence.

"Are you certain of this, Xavier? You are my Master. I will do as commanded, but if you hold any reservations I will-" Aurias said, until I cut him off.

"It's fine. I do have my reservations, but I think it best I keep my promise. I don't know if the Absolvers of Yuna are planning to return. I plan to stay here and watch over the egg until it hatches, no matter how long it might take."

"Are you sure that is the wisest move?" Aurias questioned, shaking his head.

"I don't know what is or isn't the smartest thing to do. I do, however, feel this is the right thing to do," I felt confident in my words.

"As you command. I shall accompany and protect Jayde upon her journey," he stated firmly.

"Use whatever means you feel is required to ensure she is safe from harm," I added.

Aurias nodded deeply, as if mimicking a bow, and galloped off toward Jayde with the cart. In hindsight, it may not have been the best decision, but with how things turned out, it was the smartest I could think of. I was going to be isolated and secluded. Well, I wasn't entirely alone. I had an unborn dragon to keep me company.

"Not that he'll be a good conversational partner," I mused aloud to no one in particular.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now