Part 42

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If Khral were actually heading to the Northeast where the mages were, I had no chance of catching up to him. I wasn't keen on how an avatar of a deity travelled, but I felt confident it was via a mode much faster than horse.

I spent the next several days lost in my thoughts, practicing magic and swordsmanship while thinking about the best course of action. During that time, I recreated Roy's ability to change locations.

I had to ignore everything physics related for it to work. I closed my eyes and envisioned myself moving from one end of the room to the other and chanted 'Blink'. When my eyes next opened, I found myself where I envisioned. I repeated the process, except envisioning myself inside Vel'Nysa's lab area and other places within the shop successfully.

Both Vel'Nysa and Gho were extremely surprised when I appeared so suddenly near them during a couple of jumps.

Upon trying to Blink back to Tult, I felt myself hitting some sort of barrier. I guessed the range was limited due to my own power, but there wasn't really a way to find out immediately.

Additionally, I recreated the water barrier from my fight with Roy. I decided to name it as such for simplicity's sake. Lastly, I figured out how to recreate Roy's ability to jump insanely high, except I went only as high as the ceiling for obvious purposes.

In order to recreate his jump spell, I created a powerful vortex of air that pushed the air just below my hands with my arms pointing downward, with palms parallel with the ground. Using the vortex, I was able to propel myself upward in a gradual motion, manipulating the speed of ascent with varying degrees of pressure. I named that spell 'Wind Flight'.

To slow my descent, I created a strong gust below myself. I named that spell 'Feather Fall' after a potion from a game I used to play.

I made up my mind a couple days before we planned on departing on where to go.

"Assaulting the mages in the northeast will likely mean our death warrants," I sighed.

Thea, Jayde and I were all sitting in the room around the end table. I ended up buying a piece of parchment, inkpot and a quill. I was using it to draw out a crude map with directions.

"Because of Khral?" Thea asked.

"Yes, well, most likely. My bigger concern was that it'd mean fighting an army of mages on top of the God of Destruction."

"If others are as powerful as yourself, I'd like to avoid them as well," Jayde chimed in.

"Exactly my point. Fighting dragons seems infinitely easier since there's only a few of them," I crossed off the northeast part of the map.

"And the southwest?" Thea pointed to the bottom left corner.

"Too many unknowns. Hell, it could be a lot easier than dealing with dragons, but again, I kind of know what we're dealing with, with dragons," I replied.

There was an uncertain look in Jayde's eyes.

"Don't worry, I plan to keep training and will try to find some places for us to train once we get down to the southern cities," I comforted her.

"I shall trust your judgement," she nodded.

"And I as well," Thea spoke with a brimming smile.

The day before we left, I went to the Red Wing guild and scoured the board for a quest relating to the dragons. It didn't take long, as it was one of two large posters with drawings of the fantastical beasts.

The quest details stated it was for parties at least Platinum III in the guilds. The reward for killing one of the dragons was one-hundred-fifty gold, plus something more if we brought the head back to the king of the city down there. One-hundred-fifty sounds real nice ... I could retire off that, I mused.

I grabbed both of the posters and brought them to the receptionist. He glanced at me, then the posters, then back at me. It took several moments for him to realize what I brought to the counter at which point he noticed my bracelet and scoffed.

"You think you can take on a dragon by yourself, let alone two?" he laughed.

"I won't be by myself, but yes, we plan to kill those dragons," I stated straight-faced.

The receptionist furrowed his brows before sighing. Without saying another word, he stamped both of the posters and placed them on the active board. I also gave him my group's name, which he placed above both the posters as well. When I turned around, I noticed all eyes were on me. Several people sipped their mugs wide-eyed, while others left food in their mouths. Someone in the crowd had finally spoken up after a brief silence.

"'Ave fun gettin' turned inta ash!" he laughed.

The majority of the lobby followed suit, laughing out and making jokes. I felt a little embarrassed, but that was because I didn't enjoy being in the spotlight.

The receptionist called out to me just before I started to leave. He handed me two envelopes sealed with the Red Wing guild's seal.

"If you do succeed, this is proof from our guild to whoever you go to down there that you warrant payment and promotion. If you succeed, obviously."

I thanked him, placed the envelopes into my robe pocket and departed to jeers, mocking, and laughter. Later that evening, I visited Vel'Nysa.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now