Part 26

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"Oh, before I forget – do I get the job? And can I use that room to practice my own spells? I don't know anywhere quiet for me to practice," I asked along the way.

"Indeed. I will accept your employment here, and I will allow you to use that room. As payment to me, I would like you to show me other spells you know and the methods in which you cast."

After we came to a deal, she detailed when I would work – mostly weekends – and went back to whatever she was doing before I came in. Just before I exited the room she called.

"I almost forgot. Tell Gho to take the scrying stones from the skull and to store them. The order will be displeased, so I must speak with them to ease their woes."

I nodded and did as asked. Once the stones were removed, I thanked Gho and left. It was evening time when I finally stepped outside.

So, I really was in a different dimension. Looks like time flows differently in there, I thought.

"Xavier are you there?" Aurias asked.

"Yes. Is something wrong?" I asked, heading back toward the inn.

"Your energy disappeared from the world for several hours. I became a little concerned."

"Ha ha, no worries, Aurias. I found another mage and a secret order in the city. They have a cool dimensional space with its own flow of time inside."

"I see. I did notice a large magical presence since we entered the city, but I was unable to pinpoint it."

"You're pretty delayed on that point. Keep working on your timeliness," I said with a chuckle.

I found Thea and Jayde inside the room when I arrived. Thea was laying on the bed with Her eyes closed and Jayde was doffing her armor. A barely audible squeak escaped her lips as she shied away when she saw me. Her arms, legs and neck were covered with scratches and bruises. When she turned to face me, I noticed her face, too, was in the same condition.

"Tough day?" I asked with a light laugh.

"Yes. My trainer was intense, but I learned much," she exclaimed with pride, puffing out her chest.

The instinctual urges welled within and forced me to look away. I was a gentleman.

"You look a little worse for wear," she commented.

I looked at my robe and noticed burn marks over it and an ashen color.

"Smell a little worse for wear, as well," Thea chimed.

It was my turn to feel blood rush to my face. I glanced at Thea. Her eyes remained closed despite the smirk plastered on her face.

"Forgive me, my queen. I shall go find the nearest trough to cleanse myself of impurities!" I exclaimed in a pompous fashion.

Jayde looked to Thea, then to me. Then she let out a soft laugh.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think she really was a queen."

"You don't know the half of it," I laughed.

"'Tis certainly true that a queen is clean always," Thea mused mischievously.

I was dirtied from my practice, as was Jayde.

"To be a strong protector means getting one's hands dirty from time to time," I rebutted.

"And yet a strong protector would also understand the courtesy of cleanliness in the presence of company," She retorted.

I glanced at Jayde, who was holding in a bout of laughter.

"I planned on going to the bathhouse," I grumbled, doffing my robes and leaving the room.

I was certain the two of them were laughing as I left. The bathhouse was an enjoyable place, with the perfect temperature of water. I made sure not to spend too much time and eventually returned to the room for the evening. The two were already asleep when I arrived, so I was as quiet as I could be getting into my own bed.

The next morning, I joined Jayde in training. It took us around half an hour just to get to the location. Two giant swords crossing each other hung over the doorway.

A bit dangerous, I mused.

We were greeted by several weapon racks and armor stands on either side of a counter where a receptionist stood. To the left of it was a large walkway leading to an outdoor area. I followed Jayde to the receptionist.

"Is Rougr in yet?" she asked.

"He actually arrived a few minutes ago. Heading off to spar again?"

"I am. I brought a companion of mine to spar with as well. Place any charges for him under my name."

The receptionist nodded and we proceeded down the hall and outside. The area was reminiscent of a gladiator arena, except there were no seats, just walls, and everything was split into sections.

Soldiers were training with swords, clashing them against one another, and others practicing with their bows. Jayde led us toward a man who wore chainmail and had two swords at either hip like Jayde.

As we drew closer, I saw he had scars all over his face and the solid parts of his armor. His hair was cut short, almost to the scalp; his eyes stared intensely at the soldiers sparring with one another, analyzing every one of their moves.

When a soldier made a mistake or left himself open, he barked out commands in a booming authoritative voice. His build was stocky – to the point I thought he wasn't very dexterous. His attention turned to us as we came close.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now