Part 27

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"Jayde, I see you're still on your feet after yesterday's training!" his voice boomed in delight.

"I am, Master. I also brought my party's leader here to train as well. He is very gifted and wants to learn the way of the sword," she responded enthusiastically.

I am definitely not talented, I thought with an uneasy chuckle.

Rougr shouted at the soldiers to continue practicing and stepped off to meet me. He reached out his arm and I instinctively clasped his hand.

"It's the customs of my people," I explained after he looked at me strangely.

"Xavier," I nodded, shaking his hand.

"Rougr," he nodded.

Our hands parted and he crossed his arms as a big smile spread across his face.

"If you're here to learn, go over there and don some armor and grab a sword!"

I nodded and did as he told. The moment I doffed my robes, the heat of the sun assaulted the rest of my body.

"How experienced are you with the sword?"

"I can hold one."

"That's a start! Go ahead and just practice swinging the wooden sword for today," Rougr laughed.

Just before walking away, he came back and instructed me on how to properly wield a sword. From there, I did nothing but practice swinging all day.

"Your form did not look half bad," Jayde commented after the day's practice.

"Thanks. Both of my arms hurt a lot," I laughed.

"I remember those days. Your body will grow accustomed to the strain and will get stronger. I already feel stronger since training with Master Rougr," she looked at her bruised and scratched hands.

"It's only been a couple days though."

"I know, but my entire body is sore, so I am certain I put a lot of effort into training."

"You have a point. There are cuts and bruises all over your body," I said, unconsciously reaching out and touching one of the cuts.

Jayde winced in response.

"Ah, I'm sorry," I apologized.

"N – No, it's fine, ha ha. I just need to apply some medicines and they'll heal up quickly."

We had nearly reached the inn when I got an idea. I took Jayde's hand and pulled her into the nearby alleyway.

What a calloused hand, I thought.

She was startled at the sudden touch and pulling movement.

"Say, do you mind if I try something when we get back?"

"Something like what?" she asked curiously to save face.

"A spell. I want to see if I can heal your wounds."

I saw the glints of surprise, worry and wonder all circulating in her eyes. She smiled gingerly and nodded.

"I appreciate it," I said, leading the way back to the inn.

Before I tried healing anything, I made sure to stop at the bathhouse to clean up. Jayde did the same. Once we were both back in the room, I doffed my robes. Jayde looked away slightly abashed.

"Relax, I'm just getting more comfortable," I assured her with a chuckle.

"You, however, will probably need to get into your undergarments. I don't know if it'll work through clothes. It's easier to simply do it this way."

She removed her outer layers of clothing with great hesitation. Her face reddened, likely in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything weird," I assured her with another chuckle.

Thea had been silent the entire time, but she watched us attentively.

"Lay on your stomach," I told her, motioning to the bed.

"O – Okay," she mumbled uncertainly.

Even under all the armor and clothing, she was still scratched and bruised. It was obvious she was nervous. I felt slightly nervous myself. I wasn't used to touching someone else, let alone a female. To top it off, I didn't know if what I was thinking would work.

I touched one of the bigger cuts on her upper arm and she let out a small pained groan.


"It's fine."

With a deep inhale, I imagined the wound closing rapidly before completely disappearing without even a scar.

"Heal," I spoke softly.

In moments, the cut completely healed up and the bruises around the immediate area disappeared. I let out a sigh of relief.

"How do you feel?" I asked, touching the once cut spot.

"I feel fine ... oh wow, it's really healed!" she exclaimed looking at it.

"Yeah, I didn't know if it was gonna work. Now that I know, I want to try a couple different ones, if you don't mind."

"Not at all," she said, smiling.

I placed my palm on her back and felt her shiver slightly. Her back was warm and soft to the touch. I concentrated on healing her entire back.

"Greater heal."

I watched as all the cuts and bruises closed and healed up. I wasn't entirely certain if the spell was different than the last one, so I asked her to roll onto her back just to be sure. I placed my palm on her stomach and concentrated on her whole torso healing up.

"Super ultra-cool heal."

When nothing happened, I repeated 'Greater Heal' and it worked fine. It seemed to be like the first time I activated a spell, the magic locked with whatever words I chose initially. I still couldn't confirm that to be fact, but I had to accept it as such for the time being.

The rules for casting feel a bit convoluted, I thought.

I hoped to understand them well enough before anything too crazy happened.

"How do you feel now?" I asked, looking at her now healed stomach and chest.

"I feel, uhm, fine. Great, actually," she said, looking away.

I realized I had been staring idly at her chest for some time.

"Ah, I apologize. I was having a thought," I chuckled bashfully.

Why am I still awkward? I wondered.

"No, it's fine. I am truly grateful you helped me," she said, putting on more clothes.

Once the matter was settled, I moved to my bed and got ready for bed. I quickly felt my consciousness fading, and vaguely recalled hearing Thea's voice again at some point, but I couldn't make out her words.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now