Part 65

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Do it, I told myself. Do it now. It's just another creature. The goblins were more humanlike.

I picked up my sword from the ground beneath her head and raised it toward her. Her eyes narrowed, then widened.

Those goblins probably didn't want to die, either. Stop hesitating. It's just a lizard.

I hadn't noticed my arm was shaking heavily. I must've been hesitating for a long time, as I felt myself becoming weaker by the minute from my magic reserves draining from holding such a massive creature in place.

A decision needed to be made, and the choice was obvious. I brought my sword arm downward like a pressed spring.

"I'm sorry. I promise to keep your children alive," I said solemnly.

I wasn't sure if the change in her eyes was acceptance, or thankfulness, or if it even meant anything at all. In that moment, I launched my arm upward, sending a piercing line of air up, into, and through her skull. The air erupted out of the top of her head, sending blood, bone, sinew, and brain matter around. Her eyes quickly rolled into her head and her last breath came out powerfully, almost knocking me to my rear.

I swallowed once more, releasing the spell when I was out of range from her body. It finished toppling to the ground with an earthquake-like force. I heard a horse riding up from the distance and turned to see Aurias.

"It must have been a hard choice," He said.

I inhaled deeply.

"It had to be done," my reluctance obvious from the dryness in my voice.

As I sighed, a massive amount of power surged into me. It rocked me to my core, causing me to drop to a knee and clutch my chest in pain. Jayde hopped off Aurias and ran to me. She knelt at my side and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" the concern was nearly palpable.

The power flowing through my body roiled about making it impossible to breathe. In between convulsions, I took large gulps of air like a fish out of water. Aurias trotted to us, but turned his head toward the forest.

"Xavier, the Absolvers of Yuna are approaching," he stated.

I used what energy I still had left and glanced up to the group approaching. Traci and Led were in awe and full of excitement. Traci climbed onto Loht's corpse and raised her bow-clutched fist into the air in proclamation. Led poked and prodded around Loht's face while Herthog gazed at me with an unchanging seriousness. Tauramon's eyes were wide as he nodded his head several times while he and the witch walked over. It was more apt to say the witch glided, as she had no apparent bounce to her step.

"My Gods, you really were serious. I applaud you, as does the Madam," Tauramon spoke.

"He's so large!" Traci exclaimed.

Jayde stood near me, placing her hand on her sword cautiously. Tauramon took notice and stopped himself about ten feet from us.

"There is no need for hostilities anymore," he laughed, opening his arms widely.

"I see you have absorbed the essence of Loht," he continued, eyeing me.

I placed a hand on my knee and rose to my feet, glancing at the two hobbits hopping around the corpse. As the pain completely subsided, I felt undeniably more powerful. I wanted to try out my abilities right then and there, but thought better of it.

"I have. Is it common knowledge to know about martial and magical essence?" I asked.

"It is, but only by those who study either magic, martial techniques, those of nobility, and those of royalty. Normal village folk more than likely know nothing of it and even regard such abilities as nefarious or evil," he nodded.

Ah, it makes sense now why Matteas and his family were so shocked by my magic, I thought.

I placed curled finger against my chin and furled my brow.

"Then, is magic common here? North in the city of Onyx, magic is apparently rare, banned, or some such," I questioned.

Tauramon took a moment to reply. He turned toward the witch who made no obvious motion before returning his gaze to mine.

"In the kingdom of the elves, yes. I know magic is outright banned in Goldenrock," he replied, an inquisitive look playing his eyes.

The map I possessed didn't contain much information on kingdoms. It was a relatively local map with some named areas. It did show the border to Drorkin and labeled it as such. I had to assume Goldenrock was the name of the kingdom Onyx resided in. I glanced at Loht's lifeless body once more.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now