Part 59

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I turned around for a brief moment to be met with fire spewing everywhere but directly behind me. The ice Wall had melted considerably in that short amount of time. In a panic, I back stepped again and made two more ice walls. The intense heat coupled with the already harsh tropical weather made breathing increasingly difficult in the short amount of time since the engagement started. As the fire reached the last ice wall, I channeled all the moisture in the air I could into a ball big enough for me to jump into, and I did, taking a deep breath just before.

I watched as the last barrier melted completely and the fire engulfed me. The water heated up at an extremely rapid rate. Within seconds my skin became hot, then tingled from the heat. I quickly realized I messed up.

In an effort to save myself, I envisioned myself a hundred feet in the air. I blinked and when I opened my eyes found myself falling. I casted Blink once more, sending myself in total five hundred feet into the air.

As I fell, I created a large ice shard and fired it at Loht's wings. I repeated the spell at least a dozen times, sending each one to target the wings. I had fallen to about three-hundred-seventy feet when Loht stopped its flame breath and roared in pain, only to look up and see me. With the wind drowning out my hearing and my robes flapping aggressively, I casted Ice Spear. A long, sharp spear made of thick ice made from pure magic materialized in my hand. I brought my arm back and launched it, generating a wind force behind it.

I was around three-hundred-twenty feet when the spear should've struck Loht. Instead, it spread its wings and made a running start, trampling the ground and destroying a large portion of trees as it leaped into the air. Loht's wings flapped in a large, but slow movement that generated so much lift, it gained almost a hundred feet in seconds.

 Loht's wings flapped in a large, but slow movement that generated so much lift, it gained almost a hundred feet in seconds

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I was around two-hundred-sixty feet when Loht honed in on me. I launched another ice shard toward the creature, but it roared a most deafening tone and smashed the ice shard with its front claw effortlessly.

Rage filled Loht's eyes. Rage and hunger. I had no intention of becoming its next meal if I could help it, though. As the dragon neared within sixty feet of me, and I fell down to around two-hundred-ten feet, I blinked onto its back. With the adrenaline spiking my blood stream, I generated another ice spear. The tip of it looked like two joined arrowheads perpendicular to each other. I used all my strength, and some magic, to strike into the gargantuan beast.

The spear shattered on impact and it realized I had gotten onto its back. It rotated its massive body and flew upside down nearly causing me to plummet to the ground below. I grabbed onto the small spikes protruding from its back to hold on to at the last moment, and it worked for all of two seconds as my hands slipped and I started falling once more. I withdrew my sword and casted Wind Blade on it.

During my descent, I sliced the air in Loht's direction. I hadn't calculated that Loht was taking evasive maneuvers. I blinked another hundred feet into the air causing the pit of my stomach to feel like it wanted to escape from my mouth. Holding back the vomit, I aimed to where Loht was travelling to. While timing my own descent, I cut the air in a rapid succession sending out barely visible waves of wind. The first one missed, but the next five cut into Loht's side, causing light gashes. The distance from me to the dragon might've reduced the damage done, but I kept swinging nonetheless.

Several large red lines appeared all over the dragon, and blood oozed from the wounds that fell to the earth in large splatters. I turned my head in time to see the ground dangerously close. In a continuous panic, I blinked myself extremely high. High enough that the hamlet was a small speck on the ground below. I could see the city of Kle'Xa, among other towns in the distance. I inhaled deeply and pointed myself headfirst toward the ground.

I could see Loht from where I was – a speck nearly as big as the hamlet – and homed in on it.

"I really hope this works!" I shouted.

As the speed of my descent increased, I casted a few different spells. Rather, I casted what I hoped were spells that would work. First, I casted 'Wind Tunnel'. Next, I casted 'Air Suspension', and 'Wind Ball'. Finally, I casted 'Air Boost'. I felt the fatigue of my casting creeping on me.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now