Part 6

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"You really do not understand anything, do you?" She quipped back.

"Obviously not. You put me in a world where I'm supposed to be the hero, and yet I don't know anything about the lands we're in, the people, the currency, monsters ... I don't know anything," I sputtered, visibly angrier.

She was silent for a brief moment, staring at me intently before She spoke.

"You still have your memories from before, your personality has been modified to better show a hero and you have the uncann-"

"What do you mean 'your personality has been modified'? You changed who I am?" I interrupted.

She looked away bashfully. All I could feel was anger welling up inside me. All I wanted was a good life, not this extra crap! I thought. Though part of me realized I was probably in the wrong, my emotions overtook me.

"I made some changes to how you normally act ... you are smarter, more responsive and your learning abilities were increased tenfold, I thought you would like that," She said, mumbling at the end.

"You could've at least told me more about the situation I was going to be put in. You're God! You knew everything about my life and still chose to give me a bunch of idiotic challenges to deal with, all the while expecting me to not have died back in Johdpur! I wasn't even aware that using magic is basically a death sentence until I spoke with Matteas and got ran through with a sword. It's almost as if you wanted me to just live through a bit more misery before dying ... again!" I shouted while making various hand motions and lightly pacing the room.

At some point during my complaining, I must've scared Her as She flinched a little. When I finished speaking, Her head turned away from me a little more making the hair tucked behind Her ear fall and cover the side of Her face. If She's scared, She deserves it, I thought.

Time felt as though it slowed, probably from all the adrenaline I put out in my tantrum. She stayed in that position for several moments before facing me. Her eyes were red with tears threatening to run down Her face.

I had no idea what to think in that moment. God shouldn't be crying. She was literally the creator of everything and everyone, so how was it that I could make Her cry? I felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over me. Regret, uneasiness, sadness, confusion, anger, happiness. She slowly pushed Herself off of the bed toward me. I listened to every step She took; the floorboards creaked ever so slightly under Her light weight.

In a couple of movements, She was directly in front of me. Her arms outstretched and She leaned into me, pulling me into an embrace

"I am sorry," She whispered into my robe.

I didn't know how to respond. Here I was, being hugged by God just after scolding Her about sending me into a new life while telling me She's sorry. I knew I must've messed up somewhere along my thought process. I brought my hand to Her head and stroked it gently.

"I forgive you," I spoke uneasily.

I felt awkward. Before any of this, I didn't really believe in God, and now I'm forgiving Her for something She must've had a plan for in the first place. Even with whatever modifications She made to my existence, I still wasn't able to identify where I was messing up even after thinking about it. Sod hugged me a little tighter before letting go. She stared at me with Her soft eyes and smiled that gentle smile from when I first met Her.

"'Tis fine if you do not understand. However, making me ask for forgiveness ... I do not believe I have ever had the pleasure of doing that," She said with a soft chuckle.

It's like She's reading my thoughts, I thought. Some moments must've passed, as I found Her waving a hand in front of me, snapping me from my telepathic-thought-test. Doesn't seem like it, I thought in relief. Now that I was more certain in Her lack of powers, I could focus on things with renewed vigor. God and I sat down on our beds and looked around a bit.

"'Tis quite different being inside the universe than observing," She mused.

Her words made my mental gears start churning. I had a slew of questions I wanted to ask, but based on the events that've transpired, I assumed She no longer had all the answers.

"Hey, what do you mean by observing? Do you mean that you've never actually been in any of the universes you create?" I asked, leaning my arms on my knees in contemplation.

"Correct. I created your universe at some point and when I did, I also created several deities. They serve as mediators, that way I would not have to intervene," She stated matter-of-factly.

She let out a series of soft chuckles at my confused face. If She's God, then the God most of us knew back in my universe wasn't the real God ... and, She said She made multiple Gods. How does that whole situation work? I wondered.

"That merely adds to the mound of questions I have. So, if the Gods you created in my universe were mediators, what were they supposed to mediate? From my limited historical knowledge, a lot of bad things happened and God, or rather, none of the Gods stopped it. Like, World War II for example."

She gave a simple smile in response while looking away, probably thinking about that specific instance.

"Their primary job is to identify when a species transcends to Godhood on their own accord and mediate when two species of equal technological level would annihilate a significant portion of the universe, or their own species. From what Jesus told me, there was some sort of block stopping him and the others from actually doing anything during every single one of those grievous incidents. Ishvara told me that while the rape of Nanking happened, a force blocked her from intervening. I never investigated the matters, but it is entirely viable that humanity's emotions in large groups prevent even the Gods from doing something."

My mind was reeling. Jesus and Ishvara are both real Gods, or Demi-Gods? What about all the Greek and Japanese Gods and the others? I thought.

"How many Gods did you create for our universe? What about the whole 'other species transcending to Godhood', too?" I asked, resting my chin in my hands.

She smiled mischievously. It wasn't something I figured the almighty God would do. I don't know why, it just felt strange. She blinked slowly, Her eyes looking to the side at first.

"Over seventeen trillion."

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" I asked incredulously.

"Seventeen trillion, give or take. I do not remember the specific numbers all the time."

Seventeen trillion Gods!? I screamed in my mind. It was becoming a bit too difficult of a pill to swallow.

"O – okay, what about the other part of my question?"

"Every universe is different, thus all of the requirements are different as well. In all of them, however, I made it possible to transcend into a God. With your universe, for example, there were eighty-four-thousand-two-hundred-twenty-one species that had technology so advanced, they are on the verge of discovering the missing piece to make them Gods. When a species transcends in your universe, they become a single consciousness that has the same power as all the others deities. Usually a new God is welcomed, but sometimes a bad seed slips through the cracks."

All of the information had more or less overloaded my mind, so I decided to ask one final question before closing the topic for the time being.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now