Chapter 2

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In honor of Loki day, which was yesterday, I decided to finish writing the second chapter of this story. Though I was not able to complete its editing until today. So, it is one day late for Loki's day, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. 


To Loki, everything he did was through a fog, almost as if it was not his doing, but the will of another. As the agent's weapon powered up, Loki appeared behind him, scepter in hand. Before Agent Coulson ever noticed, Loki moved to stab him in the back.

It was in that moment that she appeared in his mind's eye, her moonlit blue gaze so filled with understanding and acceptance, unwavering as the words she said echoed. "This is not who you truly want to be."

Somehow Loki grasped enough control to wrench his scepter around, slamming Coulson upside the head and knocking him out rather than killing him. As the being's influence grew again, Loki found himself almost wishing he could have stayed in that cabin.


Hannah sat in the plush chair with her legs crossed, taking notes. Her green eyes skimmed over her writings before lifting. Across from her, seated on an equally comfortable dark blue couch, was a young woman describing in detail her struggles since their last session. While her patient didn't think she was making any progress, Hannah assured her even the smallest victories were still victories.

"It doesn't have to be something big, like cleaning the house. You took a shower. That's a victory. You started the washer. That's a victory. It doesn't matter what you did, you did it and that's a victory. You're not going to overcome this trauma overnight. Nobody does. You just need to take it a step at a--" She was cut off by a strange noise and both of them looked toward the window.

"What is that?" the woman asked.

A blue light was reaching the sky in the distance, and Hannah was sure that was the source of the noise. She frowned as they both watched, trying to make sense of it.

"I have no idea," she replied. Then Hannah's eyebrows shot up as specks began to appear out of thin air. "What the hell?"

Both women jumped as explosions were seen going off throughout the city and the alarm in the building started to go off. Some of the explosions were getting worryingly close. Hannah stood, setting down her notepad and checking that her dark green blouse was tucked into her black slacks.

"What do we do?"

"We need to evacuate the building before that reaches us, okay?"

The woman nodded as Hannah took her trembling hand.

"Everything will be okay."

Hannah led the woman to the hall, and they joined the others evacuating the building. The therapists worked to keep their patients calm as they did so, to make sure everyone safely got out.

"Hannah, did you see what was going on?" another therapist asked, her brown eyes betraying her contained worry.

"We saw some sort of light coming off of Stark Tower, then a bunch of explosions."

"I knew New York had been too quiet lately."

After seeing their patients off to safety, Hannah turned to the others as explosions grew closer. Both her voice and body language were firm and determined. "Get home. And be careful. I'll lock up in case the building doesn't get destroyed today."

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