Chapter 18

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Propped up on one elbow, Nyneve gazed down at Loki. Gently, she brushed a few dark strands from his face, then proceeded to run her fingers softly through his hair. Loki woke to find her staring at him with a loving gaze. It still astonished him to see that look in her eyes and upon her face.

"Why do you love me?" He almost wanted to retract the words after saying them. His self-doubt had spoken them.

Nyneve's expression never changed. She gently brushed the backs of her fingers across his cheek, tenderness in every move. When she spoke, it was from the heart. "I love you for who you are. All of you. Even the parts you think are too dark or shameful." She tilted her head slightly, her eyes meeting his. "Every scar, every flaw, every imperfection. Every one of them are a part of you. And I love every part."

When she saw that her words were making tears come to Loki's eyes, Nyneve laid back, opening her arms to him. He came into them without hesitation, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face against her neck. Nyneve knew he felt himself unworthy of her love. She intended to give it to him until the day he realized he was indeed worthy of it.

And then she would give her love all the more to him, even when their time ran out.

She was finding that all these feelings had been there inside. She simply had not wanted to acknowledge them. Her focus had been on Loki, on helping him heal, on keeping her walls up just enough that she didn't get too close. But, without any conscious effort, she had done exactly what she hadn't wanted to. She had gotten close to him, close enough that her heart had given itself away.

After a bit, Nyneve glanced over at the clock on her nightstand. Seeing how soon morning would change into afternoon, she nudged Loki's head with her nose.

"I know it's comfortable here, but we need to arise before Mystic and Nocturne choose to fire us over not feeding them breakfast." Heaving an exaggerated sigh, Loki did as she bid, rolling off her. She couldn't resist a smile and soft chuckle at his obvious unwillingness. Sitting up, she leaned over and brushed a chaste kiss across his mouth. "No complaining. We have plenty of time to cuddle later." She withdrew, intending to get out of bed.

Before she could, he'd grabbed her by the back of her neck, pulling her back down for a deeper kiss. Nyneve nipped his bottom lip in warning when he acted like he wasn't going to let her go. He finally released her. She sent him a chastising look as she got out of bed.

"Behave. Otherwise you get to attempt cooking breakfast."

While she got dressed, Loki lounged there on the bed, unabashedly watching her. Pulling her hair out from under her hooded sweatshirt, Nyneve quirked a brow at him. She rolled her eyes when he smirked at her.

"Get up," she said as she headed for the bedroom door. "You can take care of the cats while I feed the horses."

"As you desire, Darling."

Nyneve kept her pleased smile hidden until she was out of sight. The man's ego was already great enough.


When she reached the barn, Nyneve used the isolated feel of it as an opportunity to think over the events of the night before. She leaned against one of the tall support posts, crossing her arms.

Her feelings for Loki were true. There was no doubt about that anymore. She would not have been able to go through with sleeping with him otherwise. It was simply against her nature. The question was, where did she want to go with it? How far would a relationship between the two of them go?

How far did she want it to go?

I've never liked doing things half-heartedly. And a relationship requires both people. This isn't my choice alone. But.... I think... I think I would like to see just where this goes. I already gave him my heart, battered as it is.

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