Chapter 35 - Darkness

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Morning dawned, chilly despite the bright sunlight that shone upon them when they reached Greenwich. Nyneve, Hannah, and Loki went with Thor, leaving the others to handle setting up Erik's devices. Whenever Malekith decided to show up, they were tasked with keeping him and his Dark Elves busy. First line of defense, so to speak.

Hannah sniffled for a moment in the cold, then glanced at Nyneve. "How is it exactly that you aren't acting the slightest bit cold despite only being in a shirt and your leather jacket? I know damn well that's your fitted one."

"You're just being a baby. It's not that cold."

Hannah stared her dead in the eye. "It's November. In Britain."

Nyneve pointed at Loki. "Does he look cold?"

"No, but he's a Frost Giant and still has more layers on than you. No wonder he has to use magic to put all that on."

Nyneve could only groan and drop her head in her hands.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted mayhem."

"I wanted to cause mayhem for Malekith. Not myself."

"It's a package deal."

Before she could retort, Nyneve noted the look Thor sent Loki at the mention of him being a Frost Giant. Going by the change in Loki's expression, he had noticed as well. She could see his jaw clench as he turned and walked away.

Damn it. Thor just doesn't learn, does he?

She started to go after him, but Thor grabbed her arm to stop her. The second he touched her, Nyneve froze.

"Hands off, Thor."

"What?" He appeared confused, likely having intended to keep her from getting hurt by going near Loki when he was upset. Little did he know, but she didn't give a damn.

"There is only one man who gets to put his hands on me. And, though you may be his brother, that isn't going to save you from the death glare he's got aimed at you." Loki had paused the moment he'd heard her voice, glancing back toward them. Completely baffled, Thor's hold on her arm loosened enough that she was able to simply pull away rather than having to resort to other means. Once she was free, she went to Loki and walked beside him as he took a moment to have a small break from his brother.

Hannah stuffed her hands in her pockets, observing Thor as she stood just behind him.

Looks like Loki isn't the only one with issues. Nyneve really knows how to pick them, doesn't she? Though, she found herself not in much of a mood to let things slide either.

"I guess old opinions die hard, Thor?" She waited until Thor turned to her. "Or were you hoping to brush that part of your brother under the rug and forget about it?"

"It is... hard. Particularly with everything that has happened," Thor admitted.

"He's still the brother you grew up with. Fought and celebrated beside. Loved. None of that has changed. My question is..." She met his gaze. "Are you going to let such a trivial thing as his origin change your view of your brother? Are you going to allow it to sever your bond?" At his silence, Hannah drew in a deep breath for patience, then gestured toward Loki and Nyneve. "Nyneve doesn't give a damn about it. You want to know why? Because she loves and accepts every part of him. A human! She is a human and yet she can do what even a great Asgardian, the powerful God of Thunder, can't bring himself to!"

Unable to control her temper anymore, Hannah stalked off, moving closer to Loki and Nyneve. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, the knuckles white as her nails dug into her palms.

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