Chapter 24

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I just wanted to mention that, if anyone is interested, I am thinking of writing a Halloween special featuring the costume contest mentioned in the previous chapter. Let me know if you all would like me to do that.  Happy reading! ^-^


November passed quicker than Nyneve would have liked. It was probably due to the dread she always felt at the coming of December.

The time before Christmas had not been kind to her for many years.

Brooding over it wouldn't do her much good, however. So she tried to focus on the morning laundry instead. A much safer train of thought.

Nyneve paused upon noticing one of Loki's shirts in the batch she pulled from the dryer. Lately he'd been slipping a few articles of clothing in with hers here and there. Why he had suddenly decided to do so, she had not a clue.

It still smelled like him though, despite the scent of the detergent and dryer sheet. The vivid green material was soft in her hands as she looked it over. As temptation grew too much, Nyneve glanced into the hallway to make sure Loki wasn't around before taking off her own shirt and replacing it with his. The moment she had it on, his scent enveloped her.

So this is why they say girlfriends like to steal their boyfriend's sweatshirts and hoodies. Though it was big on her of course, the shirt was surprisingly comfortable, keeping her warm despite the lightness of the material. The scent it carried was a bonus.

A very nice bonus.

....He ain't getting this one back.

There was a smile on her face she couldn't seem to get rid of, pulling the collar of the shirt up to her nose. An uncharacteristic giggle broke free as she bit her lip. Clearing her throat and feeling relieved that Loki hadn't been nearby, Nyneve got back to the task at hand. She finished the laundry, taking the basket of clean clothes up to her room for folding. Once that was done and the clothes put away where they belonged, she headed back downstairs to take a break. Her mind hadn't yet entered the right mode for writing, so Nyneve hoped some reading might jumpstart it.

Just when she had gotten all settled on the library sofa with a paperback copy of The Oathbound, Loki walked into the room. He paused.

"Is that my shirt?"

Nyneve looked up at him, staring pointedly at the black hoodie he was wearing before meeting his eyes. "Is that my hoodie?"


"Then we are even." She went back to her book, happily snuggled in Loki's green shirt. It was surprisingly addicting to her. He might need to start keeping his clothes under lock and key, lest some disappear...

Loki wasn't quite sure what to make of the sight of her in his shirt. On the one hand, it pleased him to see her wearing something of his, his colors. On the other, it was odd, for the shirt was obviously oversized on her. Though, perhaps that wasn't bad either.

It made her look adorably tempting.

Turning on his heel, Loki went back into the living room and seated himself in his customary armchair. He'd had the foresight weeks before to shift its position so he had a perfect line of sight into the library. It made watching her as she worked or read all the easier. His head tilted to one side as he gazed in her direction, contemplating the lovely picture his love made. Wearing one of Nyneve's oversized hoodies, though a perfect fit for him, had been on a whim that morning. He hadn't expected she would steal one of his shirts as well. The thought made him smile in amusement.

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