Chapter 25

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".... Loki. Where's my laptop?"

"Hmm?" The fact that he never even looked up from his book seemed very suspicious to Nyneve. Narrowing her gaze, she silently teleported behind him, leaning over so her head was next to his.

"Where. Is. My. Laptop?"

"I have no idea," he replied, calmly turning a page.

Nyneve took a deep breath for patience, clasping her hands behind her back. "The location of my laptop, or no more cookies."

"You'll have to do better than that, Darling." Another page turned. But she could see the humor tugging at the corners of his mouth, the amused glint in his eyes.

For what reason would he take my laptop? Then it hit her. Oh. Ooooh. Someone's needy and thinks my work is taking away his attention. She coughed to keep from laughing. Resting her arms on the back of the sofa, she tilted her head slightly to one side, gaze trained on his face.

"Return my laptop or you can sleep in your room for the next week."

He looked at her sulkily, trying the puppy eyes ploy since his original plan was backfiring.

"If you give it back now, I can finish what I was doing. Then you can have me for the rest of the day."

Loki considered, then gave in with a huff. A green flash returned the laptop to its place atop her desk. Nyneve bit back a laugh before kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Love." Watching her go as she walked back over to the desk, he wasn't quite sure as to whether he had won or lost that bout.


The next day, Nyneve ended up falling victim to a case of writer's block. Her novel was nearly complete, but she couldn't seem to figure out the final part. Whether it was because her characters wouldn't talk to her or her brain had simply stopped working, she didn't know.

What she did know was that it bugged the hell out of her.

Loki trotted down the stairs, geared up in the leathers he liked to use for their practice sessions. He glanced at Nyneve when she groaned, one arm over her face as she lay draped across the living room sofa.

"Come on. Let's go train."

"Knock my ass out. I need a nap."

He paused, having been about to head down the hallway. "...Wait. What did you just say?"

"Knock my ass out. I need a nap."

Nyneve smirked at him from her spot, stretched out on her back on the sofa, amusing herself with a rare streak of brattiness. Loki rolled his eyes, then walked around the sofa to lay on top of her, making her expel the breath from her lungs as his weight came down on her. "Take a nap then."

"You're squishing me," she got out.

"Your point?"

Nyneve groaned in defeat. Well, she only had herself to blame for choosing the mischievous one. Kept her from getting bored at least.

Since he obviously wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, she decided to ask a question that had popped into her head. "So, still going to try and take over the world?"

"Just yours," he replied with a smirk.

And there went her heart.

Then the weight on her started getting heavier. Lady peeked at Nyneve over Loki's shoulder, blinking her two-color eyes with an expression of feline amusement. There was a tell-tale thunderous purr behind her.

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