Chapter 41 - Gifts

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This time, I have two songs to go with this chapter. The second one can be found below. Hope you enjoy!


Dressed in a Celtic-styled gown of white with golden embroidery on the bodice and a cloak edged in gold thread, Nyneve walked proudly at Loki's side, hand resting in his as they approached the throne. Her hair was partially braided back, the rest falling in near midnight waves down her back.

Though this was mainly a presentation ceremony, Nyneve was still treating it with all the importance a wedding deserved. The queens of Avalon had helped her get ready, gifting her the dress and a golden circlet that gleamed, inset with moonstones. Loki was in his formal Asgardian attire, looking every inch the prince he was in green, gold, and black. His head, once again bearing that horned helm, was held high.

An untold number of eyes rested on them as they ascended the stairs. Nyneve breathed deep to keep calm, hardly able to make out what Odin said as he presented the new royal couple to the crowd. Being in front of so many made her anxious. However, Loki's comforting presence next to her helped it at bay.

There was one thing she remembered to do as they turned to face the gathered assembly.

It took hardly any magic at all to invoke the enchantment in her dress, the white changing slowly from the bodice to the bottom of the skirt until it was the same shade of shimmering emerald green Loki wore.

He glanced at her in surprise, eyes warming when he realized what she had done.

She was signifying her bond and devotion to him and their union, showing how proud she was to stand beside him as one.

"So, that is why you chose the gold circlet, instead of the silver one."

Nyneve just smiled softly as she looked up at him.

His queen wore his colors in front of all. If he hadn't already loved her, he would have now. Happiness filled him.

This woman was the one he wanted to never let go.

She considers me her world. Now she is mine.


Once all the major formalities were complete, they moved to a dining hall prepared for their smaller celebratory feast. Cerridwen, Morgen, Arianwen, and Meinir had attended as representatives of Avalon, accompanied by four knights. Nyneve knew the queens didn't need any guards. Their presence was meant as a display of strength.

Something Odin would do well to recognize.

When she glanced questioningly at Cerridwen, the queen nodded with a small smile. The favor Nyneve had asked for had been completed.

Now she just needed to figure out when to give it to him.

Her relationship with Frigga had grown since they had begun meeting more. For the first time, Nyneve knew what it was like to truly have a mother's love. It was no wonder to her anymore why Loki adored Frigga so much. Sending Frigga a pleading look, her mother-in-law quickly understood, recruiting Thor and coming to distract Loki so Nyneve could slip away for a moment.

"Thank you again for this," Nyneve said gratefully as she joined the four queens.

"Our smiths were honored to be of service. They have not accepted a job so joyfully for quite some time," Cerridwen replied with a smile as she handed over the wedding present Nyneve had requested for Loki. The long piece was wrapped in a silk cloth to keep it out of sight until she was ready to give it to him.

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