Chapter 33 - Escape

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Just want to give a heads-up that I will be working my way through some of the chapters from the beginning to do some editing, as I have improved since starting to write this story. It's thanks to all of my amazing supporters that I have gotten so far. Hope you enjoy the chapter!  ^_^


"This is so unlike you, Brother. So clandestine."

Nyneve bit her lip to hold back a laugh as she walked behind the two. Oh, they are most certainly siblings. But if Loki doesn't watch it, I'm probably going to have to step in to keep him from being decked.

Though she had to admit, staring at him from this angle as they strode along gave her quite the view...

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?" Loki asked Thor, completely enjoying himself.

"If you keep speaking, I just might."

"Fine. As you wish. I'm not even here." Nyneve rolled her eyes as he shape-shifted into the guise of an Einherjar.

What am I going to do with him?

"Is this better?" Even his voice had changed.

"It's better company at least."

Nyneve slipped a dagger from her boot without pause, throwing it at the back of Thor's head so it hit pommel first. "Be nice. Both of you." Loki glanced at her, returning to his normal appearance. He also caught her dagger for her, though it disappeared into his possession. She'd have to bribe it back when all was said and done. It might cost her another batch of cookies, knowing Loki. "We are supposed to be on the less conspicuous side. Which means I'd recommend saving the brotherly bickering for once we are on the ship." Then she noted the mischievous gleam in Loki's eyes. "Uh-uh," she warned, pointing a finger at him. "We need to be serious right now. Playtime later."

He heaved an exaggerated sigh.

"How have you managed to survive living with him?" Thor looked at her over his shoulder.

Nyneve arched a brow. "It's not that hard when you understand him and can match him mischief for mischief. You should really try seeing things from his view for once." Spotting something, she shoved the two behind a pillar with a gust of wind.

"And that's why you two should really be quiet," she commented once the two guards had gone farther down the corridor bisecting the one they were using. Shaking her head at both of them, she continued on. Loki was grinning as he jogged a few steps to catch up with her, a bemused Thor following a moment later.

They soon reached their meeting place with Sif and Jane, who showed up right as planned. Loki, however, wasn't able to escape Jane's notice this time. Finally able to really see him, her eyes widened with recognition and anger.


Knowing he would be unable to avoid it, he said, "I'm Loki, you may have heard of me."

Nyneve read Jane's body language and caught her arm before she was able to make contact. "How about no?" She stepped between the two, staring Jane down. "I'm the only one who gets to hit him." Loki opened his mouth to comment, Nyneve elbowing him sharply in the gut. He grunted at the blow and shut up.

"He's responsible for the damage to New York!"

"Actually, he's not. He was manipulated and controlled by another into attacking Earth. In the end, once free of the mind control, he tried to help fix it. Perhaps you should try and get the whole story before you go throwing judgments, and your fist, around."

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