Chapter 16

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Now she couldn't get that damn kiss out of her head.

Hannah would have a field day if she knew.

As she sat there on her bed, Nyneve pondered what she could do to distract herself. She had escaped back to her bedroom after breakfast, not up to staying in the same area as Loki for long. It was bad enough that during breakfast, every time she saw his face, the memory of what had happened popped up again. But she couldn't very well just hide in her bedroom all day.

Why the hell does it feel as if I'm acting like an embarrassed schoolgirl? I'm a grown woman, for crying out loud!

Glaring at her dark blue ceiling, she tried to come up with some other idea. Work would just leave her too close to Loki, her mind's current obsession.

Maybe a ride will help clear my head.

Pushing herself off the bed, she changed, throwing on a light denim shirt and a longer pair of jeans. Her boots were down in the mudroom, but it wouldn't be too hard to get her hands on them. She peeked out into the hallway before leaving her bedroom, hoping Loki was in his room due to the door being closed.

Luck was not with her.

"Isn't today our scheduled sparring?" he called from the living room as she tried to escape down to the mudroom. Curses dissolved into gibberish as she ranted under her breath at fate for putting Loki within eyeshot of her escape route.

Should have just fucking teleported. Damn it.

Glancing down the hallway in longing for blessed freedom, she saw Lady. The feline was sitting in the middle of the hall next to the mudroom, a cattish smirk full of amusement evident as she casually flicked her tail against her front paws. Nyneve glared at Lady for adding insult to her misery. Heaving a sigh, she resigned herself to not being able to escape her close proximity to Loki.

Sparring, hmm?

She might as well make the most of it.

A bit of magic exchanged her riding clothes for something better suited to training as she headed down toward the basement. If she couldn't avoid the man, she would at least work out her frustration while they sparred. So she headed for the basement.

Upon arriving, she made sure to bypass any of the tempting weaponry. With the mood she was in, Nyneve did not trust herself not to go overboard if she was armed. She knew Loki was skilled, but she still did not want to hurt him, neither by accident nor design.

Loki followed in behind her. He had noticed the longing look she had sent down the hallway, her desire to escape this morning. It was obvious that she had been trying to avoid him. He, however, couldn't resist throwing her plans awry.

Nyneve never held back once they got started. She threw everything she could at Loki, but he took it all in stride, easily matching her ferocity. Though he wasn't sure what had her so worked up, the fiery gleam in her eyes made their bout fun. How he enjoyed seeing all the different ways in which those blue orbs could display Nyneve's mood. She could be so fierce and yet so gentle. Playful and yet serious. It amused him to try and figure out the puzzle that was this Midgardian woman.

After all, one of the things he loved about her was how unpredictable she could be. Though, with the way she was moving as they sparred, that lithe body and flashing eyes of hers, his thoughts were beginning to drift elsewhere.

Nyneve let out a grunt as she ended up on her back, Loki looming over her. This feels familiar. When he didn't move or say anything, she glanced up to find him staring at her. Or rather, at her mouth. Taking his distraction as an opportunity, she flipped them so she was on top, giving a triumphant smirk. As she sat there straddling his hips, Nyneve felt something that made her pause. Forcing herself to keep a straight face, she commented, "Well, seems there's someone who's happy with this position." Much to her surprise, Loki blushed and looked away.

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