Chapter 19

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Nyneve was surprised come morning when she found herself in bed, alone. It meant that Loki had brought her up here at some point during the night, but had chosen to return to his own room rather than sleep with her. She didn't think it was a case of him not wanting to. It more so seemed like he was being respectful of her boundaries, waiting until she said it was okay for him to join her.

The thought made her smile as she threw on soft jeans and a long sleeve shirt before heading down to the kitchen for a cup of morning coffee. Hopefully he remembered to turn off the tv, she thought as she got the coffee maker going. It wasn't long until the scent of caramel drifted through the kitchen. A dash of sweet cream creamer finished off the cup.

Nyneve walked out of the kitchen and gingerly sipped her hot coffee. She suddenly found herself backed against the wall. Glancing up from her cup, she took in Loki's smirk and raised a brow. "Well, good morning to you too." He leaned over and kissed her.

"How sweet..."

She smiled, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "And you said you don't like coffee."

"I much prefer the taste of your lips," he replied, kissing her again.

"Easy there, Handsome. I like to start my mornings off sweet, not spicy," Nyneve teased, placing a finger over his lips to stop him from kissing her a third time. Loki nipped her fingertip before pulling away, looking her over once and then walking off into the kitchen. Biting her lip to try and control her smile, Nyneve took another sip of her coffee and headed toward the library.

At that moment, the front door flew open, Hannah stepping through. Spotting Nyneve, she grinned.

"So, you two fucked yet?"

Nyneve choked on the coffee she had been sipping, leading to a coughing fit that had her bringing up a hand to cover her mouth. Thankfully she hadn't gotten any on her clothes or the floor. "What?" she croaked, shooting her friend a wide-eyed look.

Hannah crossed her arms, not even trying to hide her amusement. Loki walked out of the kitchen and paused, glancing between the two of them.

Raising a finger, Nyneve said, "Not a word." He pressed his lips together, sipped the tea she had taught him how to make for himself, and headed back upstairs.

Hannah watched him go with a smirk. "So.... What was that you said before about not bedding him?"

"Shut it." Grumbling under her breath, Nyneve continued her walk to the library, leaving Hannah to follow after her. Nyneve hadn't been expecting her, as a week had not yet passed since her friend's last visit.

"So, what exactly are you doing here?" she asked, sitting down in her desk chair and setting her cup off to the side.

"Oh, I just came early to see how you two were doing."

"To see if we had gotten together yet, you mean."

Hannah shrugged. "Same difference." She noted with interest how Nyneve's gaze softened when she read something on one of her light blue pieces of paper that had been left in the middle of her desk. There was a blissful gleam to her eyes as she set it carefully next to her laptop, the hint of a blush crossing her cheeks. Teasing her friend was just too tempting.

"Already exchanging love notes, huh?"

Nyneve sent her a dark look, which Hannah pointedly ignored. She walked farther unto the library, hands behind her back as she watched Nyneve organize some of the other papers spread across her desk. Obviously observing was getting her more these days than the usual questionnaire.

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