Chapter 27

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Due to some life stuff, I ended up not being able to finish this chapter in time for posting last week. Rather than rush it, I chose to take my time and make sure everything was right with this chapter. I hope you like it and don't mind the wait too much. Read carefully, for there are many things to learn. ;)


Something called Nyneve outside. She didn't know where she was, but the moon that shone down upon her as she left the cabin was strangely familiar. As she stared at the unknown landscape in astonishment, Nyneve got the feeling that, no matter how much it resembled Earth, this was someplace else entirely.

How they had ended up here, she did not know.

The sound of joyous laughter and music echoed in the distance, drifting across the grassy fields dotted with the occasional solitary tree or small clustered grove. The full moon above bathed everything in silvery moonlight, like a faerie landscape. As she took it all in, her eyes found themselves fixed on one tree. The apples upon it were gleaming in the light.

It was then that Nyneve realized where they were.

"Darling?" Loki stepped out of the cabin to stand behind her.

"How did we get here?" Her wide eyes didn't leave the tree, shock rooting her to the spot.

"Someone forgot her teleporting reflexes at home."

Remember, Nyneve, you love him. Oh, but how she wanted to knock him on his bratty ass. If she didn't feel so tired, she just might have. It was soft grass anyway. Wouldn't hurt too much. No one was around to see, so his pride would only be lightly bruised.

Somehow she resisted the temptation, settling for glaring at him in annoyance instead. A part of her was glad though. If Loki felt comfortable enough to tease her, they must not be in too much danger. At least of the imminent sort.

And he wasn't hurt or dead, which was what mattered to her most. She wasn't sure what had gone on with the spirit after she had passed out, but she was relieved he was alright.

Loki could see the fatigue lining her face and darkening the blue of her eyes. Concern made him curb his tongue. "I'll explain in the morning. You need more rest." He gently steered her back to the cabin with a hand against the small of her back. Nyneve was too overwhelmed to resist much. She could see the oak tree that branched out over the roof and the sight of it, so strong and resolute, reassured her, just as the oaks on her own land did. They had always been a sign of safety and protection.

That sense of security was part of what helped Nyneve relax and allow herself to slip back into slumber alongside Loki.


When morning dawned, Elgan returned to introduce himself. Between the two men, the aftermath of her encounter with the snow spirit was soon recounted for Nyneve, who listened silently. Her suspicion that this was the legendary land of Avalon was confirmed by Elgan.

"Now, the queens wish to meet with you. If you are feeling well enough," Elgan amended when Loki glared at him.

Nyneve knew the moment Loki began to open his mouth that he was about to play the protective card. After what had happened, she couldn't really blame him. At the same time, however, she needed to get a better picture of things. If that meant meeting these "queens", so be it.

Just as he was about to argue with Elgan, Nyneve reached out and slipped deft fingers under his tunic to grab the hem of his pants, tugging him closer to her. Nyneve made sure to ignore when her fingers brushed against his skin. This was not the time for those sorts of thoughts. Loki froze before saying a single word, surprised gaze turning to look down at her. She quirked one elegant brow in a "cool it" expression. Her plan had been executed without a single hitch, pleasing her. Loki was perfectly distracted, his intended argument forgotten.

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