Chapter 3

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"Can this city not get a break!? If it's not mutants or people trying to take over the world, it's goddamn aliens!"

Nyneve froze at the sound of a familiar voice which she heard over the shouts of the Chitauri. Her head swiveled around as she tried to locate the source, drawing the attention of the seven people with her.

"What is it?" Loki asked, his first words since they had joined up with the Avengers.

"I thought I heard someone... Someone I know." She took a few steps away, scanning the streets around them. "But what the hell would Hannah be doing here?"

Then Nyneve spotted her.

Below them, on a street near the overpass, was Hannah. She was wearing a dressy outfit, suggesting that she'd been at work when this whole thing began, clothes which were now dirtied with blood and grime. What most surprised Nyneve was that Hannah was wielding a pair of swords, moving as if she'd grown up using them. Hannah gave a yell as she cut down the Chitauri coming at her, but it was obvious she was outnumbered. Nyneve could see the couple cowering behind her and using their own bodies to protect their children. It didn't take her long to realize that Hannah was protecting the group of them.

Nyneve turned to look at Loki, who stood just behind her. Sheathing Caliburn, she held out a hand to him. She had explained to him earlier about their need to stay in a certain proximity to each other. Teleporting alone to Hannah's side would leave Loki out of range and vulnerable to the Mind stone. His green eyes met hers and he took her hand. This sign of trust from him made Nyneve give a small smile. Without hesitation, she snapped the fingers of her other hand, teleporting both of them down to Hannah. Their disappearance was met with surprised shouts by some of the Avengers.

Upon their arrival, Loki instantly reacted to block a blow, deflecting the attack with his scepter. Nyneve freed Caliburn from its scabbard, teleporting again to get behind the Chitauri attacking Loki. With a single swing, the alien's head went rolling. Spotting a blaze nearby, Nyneve called the wind, swirling it together with the fire and using it to take out the other Chitauri surrounding them. However, she made sure the combined fire and wind kept its distance, the memory of Loki's torture making her hesitant to use elemental fire magic around him.

Even if it is one of my stronger magics, I know the pain of triggering memories better forgotten.

The immediate threat quelled, Nyneve sheathed Caliburn, turning to stare at her friend. When the silence between them stretched on, Nyneve raised a brow, her left hand resting on Caliburn's hilt in a relaxed position. Loki observed from off to the side, gaze switching between the two women who obviously knew each other.

"Um..." Hannah glanced down at the blade in her right hand. "I really didn't think you were in New York. You should have called. I would have taken off early for lunch." She really hoped that Nyneve would just assume she had taken up swordplay from editing her friend's books. Though Hannah could see how the moves of Nyneve's characters felt genuine, judging by the sword her best friend's hand rested on. "So what are you doing here on this lovely day?"

"Helping a new friend," Nyneve replied, sending a quick glance in Loki's direction. "I wasn't in New York until just a bit ago though, so we probably couldn't have done lunch. Wasn't expecting to see you in the middle of this though." She glanced up at the overpass, where Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Thor were observing them from the edge. Her gaze returned to Hannah. "I guess we each have some explaining to do after this is over."

Hannah gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I guess so." She looked up at the overpass. "Um..." she motioned toward the Avengers with the hilt of her sword. "Is that Captain America?"

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