Chapter 14

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Once she had finished up with the horses, Nyneve found herself at a loss for what to do with the rest of the day. Her thoughts were drifting between the events of yesterday, shifting from somber to hilarious. She was listless. Even when she went back into the house and sat down in front of her laptop, she couldn't work up the motivation to try and think about her new story idea.

Loki had not reappeared since catching her when she fell off the roof. Nyneve didn't know what he was up to, but she hoped he couldn't remember what had happened while he was drunk. If he did...

Yeah, let's not think about how embarrassing that would be.

Unable to settle, Nyneve decided to work off some of her restlessness outside. Making a quick trip down to the basement, she grabbed her bow and quiver, along with a pair of bracers. An apple was easily swiped from the kitchen to appease her stomach. Her jacket remained in the house, leaving her in just her grey t-shirt and jeans. She slipped on boots in the mudroom and then headed out into the sunshine, her destination lying a short way into the surrounding forest.

Upon moving here a couple years prior, Nyneve had set up an archery range that melded into a forested clearing, preferring the natural atmosphere while she trained. She strung her recurve bow with practiced ease. Closing her eyes, Nyneve took a breath, steadying herself before nocking an arrow and sighting her targets. The wind swirled around her, playing with strands of dark hair that broke free from the confines of her braid. Where a breeze would have hindered most archers, Nyneve had an advantage.

The wind always worked alongside her, willing and eager.

She allowed herself to fall into a rhythm. Nock, draw, sight, release. Soon, Nyneve was moving off of trained reflex, trusting her instincts to guide her to each target, whether hidden or obvious. This way, she didn't have to think, didn't have to worry.

There was a presence, but no sound. Instinctively, Nyneve spun around, bow drawn in the same movement. It was a heartbeat later that she realized it was Loki she had her arrow aimed at, the pointed metal tip glinting in the sunlight and reflecting off her wide blue eyes. Shame replaced the fear that had flooded her.

How could I? I'm supposed to know better!

She relaxed the bowstring, lowering her bow. And her gaze. Nyneve was mad at herself, too ashamed that she had let her fears get the better of her. It didn't matter that old memories had resurfaced yesterday. How could she turn her weapon on a guest?

A friend?

"I apologize for startling you."

Nyneve shook her head. "I should be the one apologizing. I should have realized it was just you." Her hands were shaking. Yesterday was too fresh in her mind. Gripping her bow tighter, Nyneve forced herself to try and stop the quivering.

It didn't work.

Loki watched her, taking in the change to her demeanor. Her moonlit eyes, usually so soft and playful, were anxious, unable to remain on one thing for long. He could see the trembling that she was fighting to conceal. Something had happened yesterday while she was away. Something that had shaken up her usually calm and playful self.

For some reason, the thought didn't sit well with him.

He was also irked by the fact that she appeared to be worried about hurting him with one of her arrows. As if he would be badly wounded by a simple Midgardian arrow. Nyneve obviously did not have much faith in his reflexes.

"Finish what you were doing," Loki commanded.

She finally looked at him, brow furrowed in confusion. "What?"

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