Chapter 28

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Hope you enjoy! I need to go take a cold shower. ;)


Once they were home, the first thing they did was care for and apologize to the critters. The cats forgave them easily enough, but Mystic and Nocturne each made their displeasure known to their handlers. Nyneve had to resort to bringing out one of her bags of special horse cookies in order to make amends. Though, oddly, she noticed portions of hay missing, as if someone had come while they were away and fed. Hannah was busy and hadn't known they were gone, so Nyneve crossed her friend off the list. The only other possibility was that someone from Avalon had done the deed. It was a puzzle she would have to unravel later. By the time everyone was content, evening had begun falling.

Nyneve leaned against the hallway wall, giving a tired sigh, as she undid her braid. She wrapped the ribbon Loki had tied it with around her wrist fondly. Then frowned when her gut grumbled again. The breakfast that had been left for them in the cabin on Avalon had been quite some time ago and her stomach was making its needs known. Pushing herself away from the wall, Nyneve headed for the kitchen. Only to pause in the doorway when she found Loki already there fixing them something to eat.

Before entering the kitchen, Nyneve glanced back at where Caliburn once more hung on the wall. The moonstone pommel gleamed at her. Cerridwen's voice echoed from her memories as she stared at it.

"There is more to Caliburn than meets the eye. At the time of its forging, our ancestors were tasked with the safekeeping of something very precious. And very powerful. They believed that the best way to keep it from the hands of those who would use it for ill was to fuse it with the nearly finished Kingsword..."

Taking a deep breath and pushing the troubling thoughts from her mind, Nyneve pulled her gaze away from the sword and moved to join Loki. The nostalgic scent of chicken alfredo pasta hit her nose as she stepped into the room. It brought a wistful smile to her face.

If he's going to keep doing a good bit of the cooking, perhaps I should get him an apron that says "Kiss the Chef", Nyneve thought with a chuckle as she kissed Loki's cheek before going to the fridge to grab a drink.

"Care to tell me what the queens of Avalon desired with you?"

She paused, hand wrapped around a bottle of sparkling apple cider. Her mind instantly went to the things she couldn't tell him. Not yet. Though she hated keeping secrets from him, there were some parts of what had been said that still troubled her. Instead, she spoke of what else the queens had told her. Such as about how she could become their High Queen if she chose.

Nyneve could feel Loki's gaze resting on her. He had remained quiet while she spoke, continuing to make their dinner. Pouring them two glasses of the cider, she carried them into the dining room, figuring tonight would be a good night to eat there. Then she went back to help Loki plate some of the pasta for each of them. As she turned to leave the kitchen, Loki reached out and gently grasped her wrist.

"There's more, isn't there?" She looked up at him, conflicted. "You've been troubled ever since we returned, your gaze drifting over to Caliburn like the sword was now some stranger. Why?"

Lowering her gaze, Nyneve shook her head. "It's a battle I might fight alone. But I will tell you." She met his eyes, hating herself for keeping secrets from the one person she didn't want to. "When I can."

"... I understand." He tenderly cupped her cheek, nearly bringing tears to her eyes. It was a struggle not to spill everything to him, but somehow she kept the urge restrained. "You once said you trust me."

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