Chapter 8

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This chapter took a bit longer to write than I expected, as it is on the longer side. It also contains a darker moment for Nyneve, which I want to warn readers about. I hope you enjoy the chapter!


"Mind explaining why I walked in on you two comparing who could craft a more complex illusion?"

"Not really."

"Well, you're going to anyway."

Nyneve sighed, feeling Hannah's stare drilling into her. "It started off as a prank. Loki did one to me, I did one back, and it snowballed from there. Eventually, as time wore on, it just became a competition of our illusion skills. It's actually surprisingly good practice."

"Hmm." Nyneve avoided her friend's hard gaze. It wasn't her fault that Loki's illusion of a creature from another realm had startled Hannah when her friend had entered the house unannounced.

After that first session, sparring had joined their routine, taking place at least once a week. Typically, they trained every couple days. Nyneve had been improving and it seemed to have helped relax Loki a bit... enough that he was back to working on fulfilling his title as God of Mischief a bit more. The illusions had started up when he had tried to prank Nyneve the week after they had begun sparring.

Nyneve had a feeling that the illusions were as much a game as they were a test of her magic. Loki obviously didn't think she knew.

Then she spotted a small glow come from Caliburn's pommel over Hannah's shoulder. Instantly on alert, but trying not to show her worry, Nyneve stood.

"While you have your session with Loki, I'm going to go ride the property line. Just the usual check," she added when she noted that Hannah seemed about to ask why. Walking past her, Nyneve patted Hannah on the shoulder. "Good luck. He's been more energetic lately."

She pulled Caliburn down from its wall mount and escaped up the stairs before Hannah could retort. Quick as she could, Nyneve changed into clothes more suitable for riding. Caliburn thrummed low in warning as she picked the sword back up from her bed. Clenching her jaw, Nyneve chose to teleport to the barn rather than take the time to walk back through the house.

Something had appeared along the shield.


Loki caught sight of Nyneve riding off into the forest through one of the library's second-story windows. She rode as if something dire was taking place, face grim as horse and rider disappeared. He wondered why, a thread of concern going through him.

"Loki." He turned to look down at Hannah, who stood in the library's doorway. "You ready?"

Glancing back once more at the point where Nyneve had disappeared into the forest, he closed the book in his hand with a snap before turning away from the window.

"First, I apologize for my reaction earlier," Hannah said as they moved into the living room. She wasn't proud of the screech that had escaped the moment she saw the illusion, followed by the string of colorful language that had passed her lips. It was unprofessional of her, considering she was here as Loki's therapist. "Second, what the hell was that thing?"

"A Frost Beast of Jotunheim. I simply reduced the size," Loki replied as he walked over to his now customary armchair.

"I'm kinda afraid to ask how big they actually get..."

"I would not recommend it."

"Good to know." Hannah leaned back in the chair she had chosen, notepad laying on her crossed legs. "So tell me about this illusion competition you two are having. How did it start?"

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