Chapter 39 - Mine

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There was a pause as she stared at him in surprise. Realization dawned on his face, a tiny hint of panic. He dropped his head, beginning to step away from her. "I'm sorry. That was-"

"Yes." She reached up, one hand on either side of his face, lifting his gaze to meet hers. "Yes, Loki, I will marry you. Did you think I would say no?" His expression was answer enough. "Why would I say no to my world?"

Too many emotions flashed through his eyes for Nyneve to make sense of them all. Had the situation not been so serious, she probably would have laughed or teased him about having been rendered speechless by her. Instead, she kissed him, proving her resolve through action. His arms came around her once more, holding her tightly against him.

She had never thought he would ask her to marry him, even though she knew what her answer would be the second the words left his mouth. She had hoped they would have a future together, was willing to fight for it, but had not considered marriage. In truth, she had not believed he would want it.

And yet I wouldn't hesitate a single heartbeat to tie the knot with him. No matter what obstacles may stand in our way.

"I love you," she whispered.

He pulled back, deep green eyes meeting with hers. Her heartbeat seemed loud in her ears as Nyneve waited for him to speak.

When he did, her heart nearly gave out.

"I love you too, my dear. Words cannot describe my everlasting devotion for you."

This man and his poetry will be the death of me.

The moment was interrupted by a small yip. They looked down to find the red fox sitting at their feet holding a velvet pouch, its pointed ears perked.

Lady's pouch, Nyneve realized.

How he had gotten there, she had not a single clue. But when the fox offered them the pouch, Nyneve took it. She opened it to find two rings inside, crafted entirely of moonstone.

So this is what Lady kept from me. When did she...? Nyneve was bewildered. Despite everything she had learned about Lady and familiars from Avalon, she hadn't expected something like this. It felt like a sign that the tortoiseshell accepted her relationship with Loki and approved of them staying together.

Wanted them together.

The rings gleamed back at her as if in agreement, blue shimmering through their depths.

"It seems Lady already had matrimonial plans for us," Nyneve commented, biting back a laugh.

"That feline has a talent for both surprising and vexing me," Loki muttered.

At that, Nyneve couldn't help but laugh. The fox yipped again, bouncing around joyfully, fluffy tail wagging. As she watched how the fox gazed at Loki, Nyneve got the feeling that the red fox had chosen Loki, much like how Lady had chosen her.

Guess he is now connected to Avalon as well.

Eventually, the fox took the now empty pouch carefully in its mouth again, running around them once before dashing off through a miniature portal. A quiet moment passed. Nyneve finally got the courage to glance at Loki, wondering how he was taking these new developments.

And how he felt about their engagement.

She found him staring at her with a thoughtful expression. She hesitated to say anything, sensing that he was considering something important. Then Loki took the smaller of the two rings, sliding it onto her left ring finger. "Mine." His tone brooked no argument, stating the single word as if it was fact. Irrefutable and undeniable.

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