Chapter 30

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Lady still hadn't forgiven Loki by the time New Year's Eve rolled around. She glared every time he entered the same room as her. Which just so happened to be the library on this occasion.

"Oh, I know, I know. The audacity of the man," Nyneve crooned, trying to soothe the ruffled fur of the feline in her lap. Loki rolled his eyes and she enjoyed a private laugh. Though she wasn't going to mention it to him, she could see the hint of jealousy in his expression whenever she played around with the cats. She had to admit. It was kind of adorable.

Hannah would look at me like I was crazy if I said that out loud. She watched as Loki browsed the bookshelves, admiring him from behind. There was no denying it. The man had a damn fine form. He walked past the rocking chair and Nyneve forced herself to swallow, trying to ignore the thoughts brought forth by the sight of that chair.

Lady's claws digging into her thigh helped distract her.

As she returned to rubbing the feline's ears, her fingers brushed against the new collar she wore. Lady had been strutting around the house to show her new prize off ever since Nyneve had put it on her. The pouch Lady had brought had contained the silver collar and an armband, both decorated with opalescent moonstones. There had been something else in the pouch as well, but Lady snatched it away before Nyneve could find out what. She had a sneaking suspicion that the items had come from Avalon. And not only because of the craftsmanship.

"The moonstone is highly associated with our High King or Queen for, though they look the same, the moonstones of Avalon are different. They cannot be broken and are only shaped and crafted using magic. This is why the gem is considered worthy of only our High King or Queen." Cerridwen's words rolled through Nyneve's mind as she gazed down at the collar.

Glancing at the clock on her laptop, she realized she needed to start getting ready before night fell. By the time her neighbor started setting off fireworks, she wanted to be safely ensconced in the theater room with a movie, snacks, and Loki.

New Year's was always one of the nights when fireworks were guaranteed.

Nyneve pushed Lady gently off her lap, ignoring her meow of protest. Lady hissed at Loki on her way out of the library, earring herself an indignant glare and exasperated sigh.

Pressing her lips tightly together to keep from laughing, Nyneve got up and left the library as well, heading for the theater room. She already had a movie idea in mind. One of her favorite renditions of Robin Hood, the 2010 film might be one Loki would enjoy as well.

She just had to find it.


Evening descended quickly. Mentally crossing her fingers that she had grabbed everything she would need for the night, Nyneve went out to feed the horses. Loki got the cats their dinner and then joined her in the barn.

Nocturne nickered upon seeing him, shoving his nose against Loki's chest. Their obvious bond made Nyneve smile as she gathered both horses' hay portions. She added a bit of alfalfa to each. The snow was still lingering and she wanted to make sure they had plenty of fuel to keep themselves warm. She slipped Mystic and Nocturne a couple of treats before heading out of the barn.

"That should hopefully keep them happy for the night," she said, closing the barn door behind them.

"One would hope." Nyneve chuckled at his dry tone as they walked side-by-side back to the house.

They were just about to step through the backdoor when it happened.

The sound of the mortar fireworks tore through Nyneve like lightning. She covered her ears to block it out the best she could, trying to keep the memory of a gunshot echoing through the forest one ill-fated day at bay. Despite her best efforts, she could still hear it within the fireworks going off one after the next.

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