Chapter 40 - Winter

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The days went by. Frigga was handling the wedding preparations up in Asgard, communicating with Loki and Nyneve through projections. Nyneve was glad. It meant she didn't have to try and scrabble to learn enough about Asgardian etiquette and customs to figure it out on her own. And she didn't have to ferry herself and Loki to Asgard all the time, whether or not they had permission to utilize the Bifrost.

On Earth, Hannah was having a ball planning the Midgardian side of things. So far, there had been only one favor Nyneve had had to call in.

Tony Stark had been quite agreeable when he had heard the terms she was offering.

The two weddings would take place a few days apart in the second week of December. The Asgardian one was first, with the Midgardian one to come after. Guests from Avalon would attend both.

Nyneve couldn't believe the excitement that news of her upcoming marriage had stirred up amongst Avalon's folk. According to Elgan, the people hadn't had such cause for celebration in hundreds of years. Not only had their High Queen taken her place, but she was to be united with her chosen Consort.

"The revelry will go on for weeks," Elgan had told her with a bright grin. Nyneve still had a hard time imagining it all.

Thankfully, there was no need for a ceremony to be held in Avalon as well. Nyneve didn't know what she would do if there had been three weddings to try and survive.

Two was going to be challenging enough.

"You'll have to decide exactly where you want to hold the ceremony, since you are having it at your place."

"I'm pretty sure I can find a nice clearing for it," Nyneve replied, switching the phone to her other ear. "I'll take a ride out to double-check some possibilities. It will just depend on how the snow has settled in them."

"You know your hermit land best."

Had Hannah been standing in front of her and not all the way in New York, she would have earned a glare for that comment.

"Popping back into Asgard tomorrow, huh?"

"Just for the evening. Frigga is holding what essentially counts as a ball in celebration of our betrothal. Still not sure how she convinced Odin to go along with it."

"Perhaps it's all that face royalty have to keep up in front of their subjects?"

"Whatever it is, I'm glad Avalon doesn't ask it of their High Queen."

"They don't?"

"Nope. The folk of Avalon prefer me as I am, no pomp or ceremony required. Unlike Odin, I don't stand lofty over my people. I walk amongst them. Which seems to be one of the things they love the most."

"Probably also the reason you were chosen as High Queen. Besides, you know what it's like to be looked down on, treated inferior. You don't want anyone else to feel like that, which is why you treat your own people as equals."

I just hope I can live up to their faith in me. Shaking her head, Nyneve turned to other matters. "So, how is the guest list coming along?"

"Tin Can and Pepper have already RSVPed. Nat seems excited. Still waiting to hear back from Cap and Hawkeye. Jolly Green Giant is dragging his feet, but I think that might be because he's afraid to lose control. Thor is asking if he can bring a plus one. I have Erik and Darcy on the list, but wanted to clear them with you first."

"Erik probably wouldn't be too thrilled, but Darcy might have fun. Tell Thor he can, so long as Jane behaves herself. Don't need her trying to hit Loki again." Nyneve still felt a prick of annoyance remembering. Oh well. For her new brother-in-law-to-be, she would endeavor to be civil.

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