Chapter 23

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"I've got to make a trip into town today."

"I'll come with you," Loki said from the library.

Nyneve rolled her eyes, but didn't argue. She'd given up on arguing with him about his devotedness a week or so ago. He'd decided to earn himself the title of protective boyfriend.

Or overprotective, in some cases.

Loki no longer let her go on her patrol rides alone. Nyneve had eventually figured it was easier to let him come along and just enjoy his company. She was glad however that no corrupted spirits had been showing up lately. Otherwise the rides would have gotten a bit more... complicated.

Closing the fridge door, Nyneve checked the pantries to see what they were low on before leaving the kitchen, yawning as she left the room. Lately she'd found herself sleeping in more than usual. Nyneve had the feeling it was due to the fact that she didn't sleep alone anymore. Her bedmate had a habit of not letting her go come daylight.

Now if he just wouldn't keep me up quite so late.

"You guys comfy?" she asked with an amused smile as she walked into the library and saw Loki stretched out on the sofa, Thunder curled up on his chest. Chuckling, she reached down and gave the orange tabby some tummy rubs, earning an adorable purring meow in return. He grabbed her hand with his front paws when she went to pull away. "You two are getting more alike every day." Loki smirked as she laughed.

"He is simply of the same opinion as I."

"And that is?"

He took hold of her other hand, the one not claimed by his feline. "To not let go of what we like." Mischief glittered in his eyes as he kissed the back of her hand.

"Well, good for you that I have no plans of going anywhere," Nyneve said as she leaned over to kiss both him and Thunder on the nose.

"I thought you were going shopping?"

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean, brat."

"Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't," he replied with a grin. Nyneve glared at him. Giving a whistle, she summoned Lady into the room. The tortoiseshell feline needed no urging to figure out what her mistress wanted. Loki gave a grunt as she jumped on him, settling herself menacingly on his waist.

Nyneve arched a refined brow. "Better decide which it is soon. Otherwise I'll be leaving you home. Brat." She headed out of the library, leaving Loki and Lady to stare at each other. Thunder hopped down to follow after her.

"...Are you going to let me up?" Loki said after a moment of silence.

Lady blinked once, flicking her tail with a cattish grin.

Why does this one have to be just as feisty as her owner?


Nyneve made sure to throw on one of her warmer jackets on her way out the door. The weather was cooling, which meant more layers for her. Loki seemed to prefer the change. Nyneve was just happy it gave more opportunities for hot cocoa, especially in the morning.

It was nearly November and, even though she usually didn't worry about Thanksgiving, now she had another family member to think about. Perhaps she could whip up a little something to celebrate.

After all, he spoiled me on my birthday, ignoring any and all of my protests. She gave a quiet laugh as she got in her truck. Guess it's about time I stopped letting the past keep me from enjoying my present. Nyneve started the engine and then waited for Loki, who had been making sure the horses were settled before they left. It made her happy that he and Nocturne had taken to each other so well.

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